Evaluate various attempts at labor organization in this era

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Reference no: EM133737258


Worker Organization and the Struggle of Unions: The Pullman Strike Describe the historical context of the Pullman Strike. What were the causes and outcomes? Evaluate the various attempts at labor organization in this era, from the Molly Maguires to the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor. How were these groups' goals, philosophies, and tactics similar and different? How did their agendas represent the concerns and grievances of their members and workers more generally? Assess the violent clashes between labor and management during this era. What do these events reveal about how each group had come to view the other? Analyze why the Pullman Strike was a blow at organized labor and unions.

Reference no: EM133737258

Questions Cloud

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Evaluate various attempts at labor organization in this era : Evaluate the various attempts at labor organization in this era, from the Molly Maguires to the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor.
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