Evaluate usability challenge that face during implementation

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Reference no: EM132853291

Discussion 1: Evaluate the usability challenges that you faced during implementation, as well as the factors that caused these challenges

The implementation of health information technologies may face a number of usability challenges. Human factors may play a role in the usability challenges that are experienced in the process. Human factors such as performance, capabilities as well as limitations and utilization of the healthcare systems may affect the adoption of health information systems. The human factors also predispose health organizations in the implementation process to errors such as technical, judgmental, and monitoring errors (Ratwani et al., 2019). Additional factors such as ergonomics may also affect the usability of health information technologies. Ergonomics include the ability of the health information system to address organizational needs by enhancing system workflow. Therefore, there is a need to consider design factors such as interoperability and easy of operations in the system development process.

Reference no: EM132853291

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