Reference no: EM131697326
Normally people choose the product or service they purchase based on finding the best quality for the lowest price. It is rare that corporate social responsibility (CSR) plays a big role when most people decide on where to take their business. However, Uber's largest competitor Lyft is trying to use the issue of CSR to lure customers away from Uber.
Review Chapter 13 of Brusseau (2012) on CSR, and do some research on any attempts Uber and Lyft have made to improve their CSR. Here are is an example of Uber's claims to CSR from their webpage:
Shifting expectations: Finding better ways for cities to move, work, and thrive. (2017).
Likewise, here an example from Lyft's webpage on their claims to CSR:
Paving the way for greener cities. (2015).
Finally, this article is critical of both Lyft and Uber regarding CSR:
Griswold, A. (2017, March 3). Lyft might be "woke" compared to Uber, but that's a low bar. Quartz.
After you've finished reviewing Chapter 13 of Brusseau (2012) and have done some research on Uber and Lyft (use the above articles plus some other recent articles that you find), write a 2- to 3-page paper addressing the following issues:
1. Evaluate Uber's CSR efforts. Based on your research on Uber as well as the various theories of CSR in Brusseau (2012), do you think their CSR efforts are mostly hype or are genuine?
2. Evaluate Lyft's CSR efforts. Based on your research on Lyft as well as the various theories of CSR in Brusseau (2012) do you think their CSR efforts are mostly hype or are genuine?
3. Overall, do you think their CSR efforts will lead either one of them to greater success? Or do you think most consumers (including yourself) will be more likely only to consider price and quality of service?
SLP Assignment Expectations
• Follow the guidelines in The Student Guide to Writing a High Quality Academic Paper.
• Don't forget to properly cite your sources-both in-text and as end references!
• You are expected to demonstrate evidence of critical thinking-as defined in the background materials and the grading rubric. Don't just summarize information. Instead demonstrate your ability to come to a conclusion and support your conclusion using logical arguments.