Evaluate truth of all other communication against the bible

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM133033563

Topic: Java as a computer programming language that communicates with people. Java is a computer programming language that communicates with people.

Read the following five statements. Then, provide a few Bible verses that support each of the following 5 statements. Next, explain the connection between the Bible verses and the statements. After finding supportive Bible verses, other sources can be found to confirm the validity of the 5 statements.

Having the ability to communicate with one another and God is part of God''s plan for our lives. The Bible is the absolute truth; therefore, as follows of Christ, we must evaluate the truth of all other communication against the Bible.

God desires for us to write effectively; writing effectively demands that we conduct research, write detailed documentation, and write with expression. God is concerned that communication be clear and easily understood. God recognizes writing is a powerful tool to influence people.

Reference no: EM133033563

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