Reference no: EM133773325
Read Dr. Harold Winters Battling the Elements: Weather and Terrain in the Conduct of War.
This would require a purchase on your part of this book. You can also try your local library to see if this book is available to check out instead.
You are welcome to read the book throughout the semester, but the assignment can only be turned after you have finished at least 80% of the lecture quizzes. The entire idea of this assignment is for you to take what you've learned in terms of the basic science of geomorphology, and then:
1) Evaluate whether this book presents geomorphic processes that matches what you've learned in the lectures in GPH 211 (and in the process-form labs)
2) Evaluate whether this book presents landforms in a way that matches what you have learned in the lectures in GPH 211 (and in the lab process-form labs)
By evaluate, the idea is for you to critically evaluate by way of examples. To earn full credits, your evaluation needs to be filled with examples from the book and from lecture/process-form labs. Just BSing an answer will earn very few points. Nerding out with terms and lots of examples (either matching or not matching) is the way to earn full points.
To earn full credits, there's an expectation that your answer will be the equivalent of 3pages single spaced, proofread carefully, and well written.
You are welcome to write the analysis in a word-processing program, but your analysis must be then pasted into canvas.