Reference no: EM132095375
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1. When preparing to conduct a research study, a literature review provides a foundation upon which to build. A literature review examines previous research published in a subject area or discipline. It is important to look at foundational research as well as contemporary work to get an idea of how theories and thinking on a particular subject has evolved.
A literature review is more than simply summarizing previous literature; it includes a synthesis of information provided by previous studies. A summary of important information from prior studies is useful, but a synthesis of that information can provide new insights on old theories or result in a new perspective combining new insights with old interpretations.
2. A good literature review can trace the progression of scholarly thought on a given subject. For example, a literature review of the past century of perspectives on intelligence and intelligence testing can be helpful in understanding current views on the definition and measurement of intellectual ability.
The genesis of the original Binet-Simon was due to the fact that mandatory education had been established in France, thus resulting in the need to screen children's ability to determine if they would be better served in a special classroom (Binet & Simon, 1916).
This initial instrument was comprised of thirty tasks ordered by increasing difficulty, and many of these original tasks can still be recognized, often revised or refined, in several major intellectual assessments in use today (Sattler, 2008). Children were asked to point to named body parts, repeat series of digits, repeat sentences, identify vocabulary words, answer inferential questions, and similar tasks (Binet & Simon, 1916).
Several of the most recent versions of the Stanford-Binet 5th Edition (SB-V), Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children 2ndEdition (KABC-2), Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children 4th edition (WISC-IV), and Woodcock-Johnson III Normative Update (WJ-III) all contain tasks that can trace their roots to the work of Binet and Simon (1916) that provided a foundation upon which subsequent research and measurement of intelligence was built (Kaufman & Kaufman, 2004; Roid, 2004; Wechsler, 2003; Woodcock, McGrew, & Mather, 2007).
As our understanding of brain function developed, an alternative approach to the assessment of cognitive ability built upon a brain-based perspective of cognitive functioning challenged the predominant intelligence (Landeros-Thomas, 2017; Papadopoulos et al., 2015). Developed from the neuropsychological work of Luria (1973), the PASS theory of intelligence is based upon an information processing approach to cognitive functioning (Das, 2015; Naglieri, 2015; Princiotta & Goldstein, 2015).
A thorough literature review can evaluate theories and major debates, and provide insight as to what is most pertinent or relevant.
3. When reading the textbook, doing literature research helps expand your own research. When doing a literature review you can see what researchers have had problems with in previous research settings, finding strength and weakness in other researchers that can help in your own research (Gordon, 2016).
Looking at previous research and the findings I think only increasing the success of your own research. Being able to look at previous data can help you as a researcher pinpoint certain areas of your research you really want to focus on and help answer certain hypotheses. I understand that some people may say it can taint your view on your own research, but I think it may help a research recognize bias they may not have known was there without looking at other people's research.
4. I would answer that doing literature early research would be benefit the research because " you can see what other researchers have had problems with in previous research settings" (Gordon, 2016). This could help you understand the problems and come up with creative ways to solve the issue. Also I think it would be important to get the right literature because if you are reading the wrong information from a source that is not sourced right I can see why it would change someone's perspective.
5. Although I do see how reading previous research can unconsciously limit my thinking to only those ideas and avenues of understanding that others have followed, I have also learned of the advantages of doing a literature review. According to our textbook, before conducting any research, you should always review the literature because it will help you design a better study.
By doing a literature review, you sensitize yourself to key issues and ideas related to the topic; see which questions have already been answered about the topic and where there are holes in the knowledge about it; learn background information that may inform your research question or hypotheses; know what other researchers have found out in their research on the topic; learn about the problems encountered in doing the research; learn how other researchers have operational zed important concepts; evaluate the weaknesses of their research so that you may mitigate some of those weaknesses in your own research; and, allows you to compare the results of your research to previous studies (Gordon, 2016, Appendix A, pp. 225).
6. When a student researches a topic they are unfamiliar with they then are able to gain a better understanding. A student can also be skeptical when reading articles. They can point out if the research was conducted properly, like checking to see if there was any bias's to begin wth.
They can be skeptic of the research question asked and try to make one that doesn't seem to be veering a person. Reading scholarly articles can also give a student ideas on what to do in their research. The person that did the article might have missed some important ideas and the student is able to use the previous knowledge to take a step in the right direction.