Evaluate the various positions of the contemporary issues

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Reference no: EM133671181 , Length: word count:1500

Early Childhood Matters

Position paper

Learning Outcome 1: Identify a range of issues important to early childhood education and care.

Learning Outcome 2: Analyse a range of positions highlighted in authoritative literature on contemporary issues related to early childhood education and care.

Learning Outcome 3: Critically reflect on their personal approach/philosophy of learning, development and teaching within early childhood education and care in relation to contemporary issues.

Learning Outcome 4: Argue a position on current issues in early childhood education and care, in relation to the literature

As an early childhood teacher your beliefs form the basis of your early childhood philosophy. How you implement this philosophy within your teaching practice will be influenced by a range of issues within your local and broader community.

Task Description

This task requires you to analyse and evaluate the various positions of the contemporary issues presented in Module 4 - 6. Include a personal reflection that explains your own position on a selected issue and critically analyse and justify your personal position in relation to current, scholarly literature.

Task Instructions

Drawing on the unit learning materials, unit tutorials and a range of relevant and current scholarly literature, select one issue addressed in Module 4 to 6 of this unit and:

Part 1: Analyse and evaluate the positions put forward on this issue within the unit materials and discussions. (500 words)

Part 2: Reflect on and synthesise your personal position on the issue explaining why and how it is relevant to you personally as a teacher/educator working with children, families, and other relevant stakeholders in the Australian early years sector (500 words).

Part 3: Justify your personal position on the issue using a range of relevant and current scholarly literature. (500 words).

Formatting and style
APA 7 formatting is required for this task.
Include a cover page that contains:
The title of the task in bold
Your name (as author),
Your faculty (Faculty of Education)
The unit code and name (TCHR3001 Early Childhood Matters)
Your unit assessor's name (Kelly Simpson)
The due date
Include a title or the prompt at the start of each response.
Students may use headings that align with the task instructions to organise their responses.
Indent the first line of each new paragraph.
Use 12-point Arial font.


APA Referencing style is required to be used for this task.

Reference no: EM133671181

Questions Cloud

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Precedent transactions analysis : Precedent transactions analysis can be very useful for the valuation process
Evaluate the various positions of the contemporary issues : Argue a position on current issues in early childhood education and care, in relation to the literature and Identify a range of issues important
Compute net income under variable costing : Peak, Incorporated, a manufacturer of tennis rackets, began operations this year. Compute net income under variable costing.
Considered in determining profitability : What other factors should be considered in determining profitability?
What can be done meaningfully inside the topic as a teacher : explanation of what can be done meaningfully inside the topic as a teacher of student(s) who are deaf/hard of hearing;
Content area for accounting information : Content Area For accounting information, the quality that allows a user to analyze two or more companies and look for similarities and differences


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