Evaluate the usefulness of the paper review tool

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Reference no: EM131987705


1. Carefully review the revision letter and the margin comments that you see on your returned paper. Consider each of the suggestions provided to help you to revise your paper.

2. Write: In your written response of at least 400 words, complete the following:

· Identify the top three issues your writing specialist focused on in your rough draft (e.g., paragraph structure, proper use of quotations, and thesis statement).

o Were any of those issues surprising?

· Describe what you learned from some of the feedback your writing specialist provided as explanations.

o Was this feedback helpful?

· Evaluate the usefulness of the paper review tool.

o Did your understanding of academic writing improve?

o Will you use the Ashford Writing Center to review your work in the future? Why or why not?

This assignment does not need to be formatted in APA style; however correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation is required.

Attachment:- Revision-Letter.rar

Reference no: EM131987705

Questions Cloud

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Evaluate the usefulness of the paper review tool : Describe what you learned from some of the feedback your writing specialist provided as explanations. Evaluate the usefulness of the paper review tool.
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