Evaluate the use of management theories within the workplace

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Reference no: EM132228928 , Length: word count:3000

Hospitality Management in Practice Assessment -

Workplace - Marriott hotel, USA

To provide the student with the opportunity to evaluate the relevance and use of management theories within the workplace.

Learning Outcomes - In order to achieve satisfactory completion of this report you will be expected to

1. Demonstrate that you have a thorough knowledge and understanding of either management theory, or theory related to a specific function (eg. HR, Marketing, Finance, TQM, Hospitality, Sustainability, CSR, Retail etc).

2. Relate the theories, models, concepts and principles acquired in your course to the workplace.

3. Assess the relevance of the theories you have learnt to contemporary management in practice.


The aim of the Hospitality Management in Practise Report is to allow you to examine the way your placement organisation operates in relation to the knowledge you have gained during the BA Hotel & Hospitality Management course.

You should draw on theory, models, concepts and principles that you have researched or that have been explored during the course and write a clear and succinct report that demonstrates knowledge and understanding of management theory from one of your specific areas of study, and apply this theory to the workplace.

To achieve the above, you will need to research both literature AND conduct research within your company. This may take the form of interviews with managers/employees, surveys (or access to existing survey data), company records etc

You should highlight the implications of this theory and your findings for your workplace company.         

Assessment Structure:

Executive Summary -

Contents Page -

SECTION 1: Introduction to the Report (700 words)

a. Background to the theory area and aim/objectives of report

Setting a clear and achievable aim and objectives is crucial to set a structure for your report. You should refer to a range of academic journal articles for inspiration for your topic and examples of good aims and objectives.

b. Methodology used to collect data

What data will you need to collect from your workplace in order to achieve your aim and objectives? How will you do this?

  • Surveys?
  • Interviews?
  • Company reports?

Does your company already gather data that you may use?

c. Profile of company

Give a brief overview of your company, mission/philosophy, the core products/service and target markets and any distinctive aspects of the business. If you are looking at an HR based topic, it would useful to comment on the staff resources in place. DO NOT give a sales description of the company!

SECTION 2: Theoretical Review of the Literature (900 words)

Write a critical review (literature review) of the key theories/concepts you have chosen, providing a range of supporting references. Think about:

  • The main author's in this field
  • Key models/theories that have been developed in this area
  • The implications and limitations to these theories

SECTION 3: Application of Theories (900 words)

Critically discuss the application of the above theory/ies in your workplace, giving support and evidence / examples where appropriate. NB: this relates to your methodology where PRIMARY data is extremely important. You should provide supporting evidence for your discussion in the form of company data, interview quotes, survey data etc.

SECTION 4: Conclusion (500 words)

a. Draw conclusions, making sure you answer your overall aim.

b. Make recommendations which could improve the unit's effectiveness.

Reference List -

Appendices -

Provide any supporting documentation of survey/interview questions, company information etc here.

Reference no: EM132228928

Questions Cloud

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2/6/2019 4:37:48 AM

Instructions: Need 3000+ words. Submission Requirements - The penalty for late submission of a piece of coursework is that the coursework is failed. A fail will also be given for any accounts of plagiarism found in the coursework. There is also a penalty for deviating substantially from the word length or for poor spelling and grammar (deduction of up to 1 grade point from final grade for poor spelling and grammar and deduction of 1 grade point for deviations in excess of +/- 10% of the specified word count). You must include a statement on the front cover of your work that gives the word count.

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