Reference no: EM133003678
BIZ101A Business Communications - Torrens University Australia
Report Outline and Source Analysis
Learning Outcome 1: a) Demonstrate academic skills appropriate to the level of study.
b) Demonstrate research skills and referencing appropriate to the level of study.
d) Evaluate the use and importance of technology in presenting business communication
Report writing is an important academic and business skill; and you will develop your ability to outline the types of information, sections and layout included in professional reports. Researching credible and reliable sources relates to the ability to develop new business ideas and concepts for creating different perspectives on organizational change. For this task, you will not only present your ideas in a report format but to evaluate a range of resources, both academic and non-academic for your chosen topic.
Writing assessments 2A, 2B and 3 for this subject relate to the task of implementing a digital communication strategy in an actual organization to solve a communication problem. Your chosen organisation can relate to the discipline of your study, e.g. Event Management, Hospitality or Culinary Management, Tourism Management, Business, Information Systems, Commerce, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Sports Management.
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
Choose one of the topics below for your assignments 2A, 2B and 3 to fix the organisation's
communication issues:
A. Using Social Media in the workplace to communicate internally with staff
B. Boosting workplace motivation through innovative digital communication tools
C. Implementing instant messaging/group messaging, discussion forums and chatrooms in the workplace
D. Podcasts, internal blogs/vlogs to communicate with employees or
E. Using an internal intranet/social Intranet for employee interaction.
Structure of assessment 2A:
Cover Page - Includes the assessment title, your chosen topic, student name and ID, subject name and code, lecturer's name, submission date, word count. Be creative while making your cover page by including an image and a citation with your image which needs to be added to the reference list, too.
TASK 1. Report Outline - 200 words (+/- 10%) for the whole outline.
The Report Outline is a plan of the report you will write for Assessment 2B. The report outline tells the reader what to expect from the different sections of a report.
Introduction (outline only)
• Explain the purpose of an introduction.
• Provide context for the report you will write. It is expected that you write a brief introduction of the business and background on the organizational issue/s relating to internal communication.
• State the purpose of the report you will write in assessment task 2B, e.g. include a purpose
statement such as "The report will and discuss...".
• Outline the information you will include in the introduction of report 2B (don't write it yet), your chosen topic, and the intended audience (who will read the report? who is the information intended for?)
Body - Source analysis (see the next page for Task 2)
Conclusion (outline only)
Explain the purpose of a conclusion and what questions will be answered in the conclusion of the
report but don't provide the answers yet - that is for assessment task 2B.
Recommendations (outline only)
Explain the purpose of the recommendations section and what broad factors for implementation will be included - broad ideas only, don't write your recommendations, yet.
Remember that recommendations are based on conclusions, and conclusions are based on the information in the body of the report.
TASK 2. Source Analysis - 200 words per source analysis (+/- 10%) - body of the report.
The Source Analysis needs to include two academic and two non-academic sources that relate to your chosen topic that will be useful for writing the Assessment 2B report.
The two academic sources can be articles from academic journals, published reliable reports or academic books. The other two sources can come from reliable media sites, books, online magazines, websites, YouTube videos, podcasts or TED Talks.
Apply the Five Tests of Reliability to each source as per your modules.
For each of your four sources, provide the following information separately:
1. The full name of the source - Include the full reference details as you would in the reference list
2. Type of source - E.g. website, journal article or video
3. A brief summary with an in-text citation for each source - Make sure to summarise from the whole article/ text/ video or other source you have used. You will need to paraphrase to do so and cite where relevant.
4. Evaluate the reliability of each source by applying the Five Reliability Tests using:
i. Authority
ii. Audience
iii. Transparency
iv. Objectivity
v. Currency
5. A justification about why the source is relevant to the chosen topic of your report.
Provide one reference list for both tasks and include references of all four sources plus the image on the cover page as a minimum using the TUA APA referencing style.
Assessment B - Written Report
Learning Outcomes
a) Demonstrate information literacy and critical analysis appropriate to the level of study.
b) Understand and demonstrate academic integrity and authentic engagement with information.
c) Examine the internal and external business environment to effectively interpret messages in different business contexts.
d) Identify and apply effective communication skills within a variety of business environments, including the use of
Task Summary
Your ability, as a professional, to use modern communication technologies to support and improve business practices is critical for business success. Equally important is your ability to write well-structured business reports to communicate your ideas and recommendations to a range of stakeholders. This assessment task requires you to demonstrate these abilities in the context of business communication technologies in preparation for your professional practice.
Now that you have completed a report outline and source analysis in assessment task 2A, use the same topic for Assessment 2B to write a full report.
To complete this assessment task:
1. Using the full report format studied in BIZ101/BIZ101A,
1.1. describe your chosen organization,
1.2. briefly analyse your topic's digital communication technology,
1.3. compare at least two (2) different platforms or applications (apps), their uses, advantages and disadvantages,
1.4. identify the factors which will need to be considered for their implementation in an organisation, as well as your recommendations.
2. Ensure that you use headings and subheadings to clearly communicate your ideas. This gives the reader a pathway to understand your report.
3. Integrate as a minimum the four (4) sources from your Assessment 2A Source Analysis into your report. For instance, you may decide to use each source for a different section or a combination of sources in a section.
4. Include additional research as needed to support your line of reasoning.
5. Follow Torrens University's APA referencing style for citing and referencing for all your sources.
It is expected that you will demonstrate in your Written Report:
• A comprehensive and clear understanding of the two online communication platforms.
• Evidence of research and application of reliable and relevant evidence to support your line of reasoning.
• Critical analysis and the ability to develop coherent written arguments.
• Effective communication in the form of professional formal writing skills presented in a report format, with correct use of presentation and grammar.
• A clear understanding and application of the use of in-text citations and referencing skills following the TUA APA referencing format.
Assessment - Presentation
Learning Outcomes b) Understand and demonstrate academic integrity and authentic engagement with information.
c) Examine the internal and external business environment to effectively interpret messages in different business contexts.
d) Identify and apply effective communication skills within a variety of business environments, including the use of technology.
Oral presentations combine concise information, effective visual aids, a clear and well- practiced speech and delivery, supportive non-verbal communication strategies, and confidently managed questions. This assessment is for students to master the skills of presenting and evaluate the use of technology in business communication. These are skills that you will use and continue to develop in your future professional practice. This assessment task provides you with the experience of presenting the main points and ideas from your studies and findings to an audience.
Task Instructions
This task can be completed individually or in small groups of up to three (3) students. Note that each person, either individually or in a group, has to present.
To complete this assessment task you must
1. Use your Report from Assessment 2B (or if in a group select one student's report) and choose the main points to include in your presentation.
2. Investigate visual elements that will best enhance your presentation such as images, graphs, tables, short segments of a video from YouTube.
3. In order to plan your presentation, you need to decide which visual format platform you will use. If you have never used PowerPoint, this may be a good choice. It is the most widely used visual aid. However, if you are familiar with PowerPoint, it is recommended to try other modes in their free format.
Note - it is not expected that you have to pay for access to these online platforms. Please contact your lecturer if you are uncertain.
1. Your Presentation needs to include:
a. Introduction
• Introduce yourself, your chosen topic and the purpose of your presentation (ie: the organizational context and communication issue)
• Include an overview of what your presentation will cover.
• Engage the audience with a quiz, question or quote.
b. Presentation body
Provide information in relation to your topic. Elements to consider:
• Advantages and disadvantages
• Review of at least two different digital communication platforms in relation to your topic
• Examples and/or statistics that will add insight
• Implementation considerations
• Recommendations of potential solutions to the problem.
• Include in-text citations to support your line of reasoning and for all images/videos used.
c. Conclusion
• Provide a brief summary of your overall presentation.
• Check if there are any questions from the audience and address them accordingly.
• You may like to include a final short quiz for the audience.
• You could use an online tool to do this, for example:
d) References
• List all references cited in your presentation following TUA APA style.
• You are advised to include a minimum of three (3) references which may be the same as those used in Assessment 2A & Assessment 2B. Remember visual material and graphics that you have taken from appropriate websites, as well as images and videos need to be referenced as per the TUA APA style.
It is expected that you will demonstrate:
• A comprehensive understanding of the content of your presentation
• Critical analysis and the ability to develop coherent arguments
• Evidence of research and application of reliable and relevant evidence
• In-text citations and a reference list (texts, images, and tunes if relevant)
• Effective verbal and non-verbal communication in the form of professional presentation skills
• Appropriate and creative visual aids to support content delivery
• All academic standards of legibility and referencing details.
Attachment:- Business Communications.rar