Evaluate the threat environment of the organization

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131024940

Information assurance about BANK OF AMERICA ORGANIZATIOn information assurance plan

Minimum 3 citations

In order to effectively respond to applicable threats, information technology administrators must be able to accurately evaluate the threat environment. The ability to engage in this evaluation originates from the performance of a risk assessment. Performing a risk assessment can take on many forms. One recent method of engaging in risk assessment has come in the form of utilizing firewalls and firewall audit tools. Through these measures, IT administrators can map the network and critically analyze where any potential vulnerabilities may lie. The outcomes of these measures results in increased awareness of the most likely types of threats that may materialize, and enables administrators to configure the network in order to mitigate and address these weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

Prompt: In Module Five, you will submit the risk assessment portion of the information assurance plan. You will provide the organization with an assessment of the threat environment and the risks within, as well as methods designed to mitigate these risks. Based on your analysis and evaluation, what are the best approaches for implementing information assurance principles? Where do you see the most important areas for improvement to current protocols and policies?

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Risk Assessment

a) Analyze the environment in which the organization operates, including the current protocols and policies in place related to information assurance.

b) Evaluate the threat environment of the organization.

c) Based on your analysis and evaluation, what are the best approaches for implementing information assurance principles? Where do you see the most important areas for improvement to current protocols and policies?

d) Assess the threats to and vulnerabilities of the organization by creating a risk matrix to outline the threats and vulnerabilities found and determine possible methods to mitigate the identified dangers.

Reference no: EM131024940

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