Evaluate the threaded implementation of the sort algorithm

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131443002 , Length: 4

Assignment : Data Integrity and Concurrency Control in Threaded Applications

You have had the opportunity to evaluate the performance of a threaded version of a sort algorithm and a non-threaded version of a sort algorithm.

For this Assignment, you will extend your evaluation by examining the implementation with respect to concurrency control issues.

To prepare:

• Evaluate the threaded implementation of the sort algorithm relative to data integrity and concurrency control.

Write a 3- to 4-page paper evaluating the implementation of the sort algorithm. References and citation!

Answer the following questions:

• Is the threaded implementation correct, or are there data integrity concerns due to concurrency control?

• If your implementation is correct, what protections are in place to ensure atomicity and consistency? Could a more effective method of ensuring data integrity be implemented in your solution?

• If you ran into trouble with your implementation, provide specifics about the data integrity problems you encountered and explain the modifications that will be necessary to correct the data integrity and concurrency issues.

• Include in your analysis an explanation of the operation of the threaded implementation, and if there are data integrity issues, suggest one or more modifications to the implementation to resolve these concerns.


• Research techniques for ensuring atomicity or techniques for managing concurrency control.

Post a 3- to 4-paragraph500 words, and reference!

Evaluation of the technique you selected. Include the following in your post:

• A brief summary of the technique.

• A description of the concurrency issue that is resolved by the technique, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the technique.

• An explanation of whether the technique is best suited for an all-or-nothing atomicity design strategy or a before-or-after atomicity design strategy.

Reference no: EM131443002

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