Evaluate the supply chain and logistics operations

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131959076 , Length: word count:1500

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Assessment - Individual Report - Analyse and evaluate the supply chain and logistics operations of a nominated enterprise

Assessment brief

You are to research only one (1) of the two (2) nominated organisations and then write a comprehensive report that describes, analyses and evaluates the supply chain and the associated logistics operations of that organisation.

Your report should concentrate on providing valid information that contributes to answering the following questions.

1. What is the history of the enterprise?

2. In what markets does the organisation operate and what is the scope of its operations?

3. Using both a descriptive narrative and a supporting diagram to illustrate your answer, what are the characteristics of the organisation's supply chain and logistical operational activity?

4. What are three (3) activities that the organisation is using to ensure its supply chain is sustainable and in what ways is the organisation influencing all elements of its supply chain to adopt sustainable practices?

5. How does the organisation collaborate with its suppliers and logistics partners to ensure end-customer satisfaction with its products or services?

You are expected to conduct your own research to help you answer these questions. As an indication, a satisfactory level of research would be evidenced by the presence of at least 12 references in the Reference List. Your Reference List must be formatted strictly to the Harvard style.

Your reference material may be in the form of texts, academic journals, business journals and reports, organisational websites and reports, newspapers, magazine articles and even transcripts of television and radio interviews and investigations.

On-line sources of information that have no established academic reliability such as Wikipedia, Slideshare, Business balls etc. are to be avoided.

When writing a formal business report, your submission must conform to the conventions that underpin the report structure. Every report should have the following sections:

• Title page
• Table of contents
• Executive summary
• Introduction
• Discussion
• Conclusion
• Recommendations (if appropriate)
• References
• Appendices

You can decide early on which enterprise you will investigate and then use your lectures, tutorials and other reading to help you start to compile your report.

You are also advised to collaborate closely with your lecturer to seek advice on how to progress your research, analyse the enterprise and structure your report. This is not an assignment you can successfully complete at the last minute. It requires a disciplined approach over the first seven weeks of the trimester and this includes availing yourself of the opportunity to consult your lecturer in the Study Week.

The two organisations that can be used as the focus for analysis are:

1. IKEA, or
2. Unilever

Reference no: EM131959076

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4/26/2018 6:43:24 AM

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4/26/2018 6:43:17 AM

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4/26/2018 6:43:05 AM

Correct academic writing style Writing style is unclear; Writing style lacks some clarity; Writing style is mostly clear; Writing style is clear and Writing style is very clear and /5 used, including correct lacks academic discipline; some flaws in logical flow and Mostly written in discipline concise; Correct use of concise; Fluent use of discipline spelling, grammar and numerous spelling and structure; some use of discipline specific academic language; discipline-specific academic specific academic language. No punctuation grammatical errors. specific academic language. Some spelling or grammatical language. Some minor spelling spelling or grammatical errors. Several spelling or grammatical errors. or grammatical errors. errors.


4/26/2018 6:42:54 AM

Answer clearly and logically Lacks logical flow and Some errors in logical Generally sound logical flow Very good logical flow and Excellent logical flow and /5 presented. structure; Argument flow and structure; and structure; Argument structure; Argument supported structure; Argument supported by Appropriate theory and supported by theory Argument supported by supported by broad by detailed discussion of comprehensive discussion of research used to answer sourced from non- basic discussion of discussion of relevant theory relevant theory and research relevant theory and research question posed academic literature. No relevant theory sourced sourced from academic sourced from numerous sourced from numerous quality discussion of academic from a minimal number of literature. Relevant research academic sources. academic sources. research. Cites very few academic sources. Little acknowledged but not sources. if any discussion of discussed. Cites several relevant research. academic sources.


4/26/2018 6:42:46 AM

How does the organisation collaborate with its suppliers and logistics partners to ensure end-customer satisfaction with its products or services? Provides little or no evidence of how the organisation is collaborating with its partners to drive customer satisfaction. Provides some basic evidence of how the organisation is collaborating with its partners to drive customer satisfaction. Provides evidence including detailed examples of how the organisation is collaborating with its partners to drive customer satisfaction. Provides detailed evidence of how the organisation is collaborating with its partners to drive customer satisfaction including analysis of how the organisation measures customer satisfaction levels. As with Distinction level but also demonstrates how the organisation is using the information in its strategic and operational planning. /10


4/26/2018 6:42:39 AM

What are three (3) activities that the organisation is using to ensure its supply chain is sustainable and in what ways is the organisation influencing all elements of its supply chain to adopt sustainable practices? Fails to successfully present three activities that the organisation is using to drive sustainability within itself and its supply chain partners. Presents a basic analysis of three activities that the organisation is using to drive sustainability within itself and its supply chain partners. Presents a detailed analysis of three activities that the organisation is using to drive sustainability within itself and its supply chain partners. Presents a comprehensive analysis of three activities that the organisation is using to drive sustainability within itself and its supply chain partners. As for Distinction level but also describes how the organisation has demonstrated that it is an industry leader in supply chain and logistical sustainability activities. /10


4/26/2018 6:42:33 AM

In what markets does the organisation operate and what is the scope of its operations? Provides only a partial description of the organisation’s markets and operations. Provides a basic description of the organisation’s market activities and operations. Competently describes all of the organisation’s market activities and the scope of its operations. Provides a comprehensive insight into all of the organisation’s markets and operational activities. Provides an expert insight into all of the organisation’s markets and operational activities. /20


4/26/2018 6:42:26 AM

Using both a descriptive narrative and a supporting diagram to illustrate your answer, what are the characteristics of the organisation’s supply chain and logistical operational activity? Superficial and inadequate description of the organisation’s supply chain and logistical operational activity. Narrative is incomplete and diagram incomplete or missing. Basic description of the organisation’s supply chain and logistical operational activity. Narrative and diagram lack sufficient detail. Competent description of the organisation’s supply chain and logistical operational activity. Narrative and diagram provide sufficient detail for an observer to understand how the organisation manages its supply chain. Comprehensive description of the organisation’s supply chain and logistical operational activity. Narrative and diagram provide sufficient detail for an observer to understand how the organisation manages its supply chain. Expert description of the organisation’s supply chain and logistical operational activity. Narrative and diagram provide excellent detail for an observer to understand how the organisation manages its supply chain. /30


4/26/2018 6:42:03 AM

Criteria F (Fail) 0%-49% P (Pass) 50%-64% CR (Credit) 65%-74% D (Distinction) 75% - 84% HD (High Distinction) 85%-100% Mark Assessment Content (MAN203 Assessment 2) OUT OF 80 MARKS What is the history of the enterprise? An adequate description of the organisation that does not permit the reader to sufficiently understand how the organisation has evolved. Describes a basic history of the organisation and its evolution. Describes the main stages of the enterprise’s development and evolution. Provides a comprehensive history of the enterprise and its evolution and its impact on its industry. Provides a comprehensive history of the enterprise and its evolution including its key achievements in its industry sector. /10


4/26/2018 6:41:46 AM

Even though this assignment is not due until Week 7 you are encouraged to commence your reading about the two organisations as soon as Week 1. You can then decide early on which enterprise you will investigate and then use your lectures, tutorials and other reading to help you start to compile your report. You are also advised to collaborate closely with your lecturer to seek advice on how to progress your research, analyse the enterprise and structure your report. This is not an assignment you can successfully complete at the last minute. It requires a disciplined approach over the first seven weeks of the trimester and this includes availing yourself of the opportunity to consult your lecturer in the Study Week (Week 6).

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