Reference no: EM132998657
Term assignment
Kindly note that you are free to refer to the course content or any other relevant resources, however your answer has to be original. Plagiarized answer is not expected from any candidate.
1. "It is important to evaluate the success and effectiveness of your courses so that you could make improvements on an on-going basis". Justify the statement with reference to Kirkpatrick's Model. You need to mention relevant activities to assess each stage. (500 words)
2. Create one lesson on "your favourite festival" incorporating the four skills and a grammar component.
Your plan must include relevant activities on listening, speaking, reading and writing. You should make separate sections for each language skill. Also, include related vocabulary, grammar component relevant to the topic along with an exercise based on it and a follow up home work. Include relevant teaching aids (Images, Videos, Audio clips).
Basic parameters to be mentioned: Number of Students, Age, Level, Language spoken by students, Duration, Terminal Objectives, Enabling Objectives, etc.
3. Research
Suggest two suitable language learning methods and their benefits in an EFL/ESL class. Base your answer on research studies, citing relevant examples/evidence.
Also mention the skills/attributes a teacher should possess in order to facilitate an EFL/ESL class efficiently. (Word limit within 450 to 500 words).