Evaluate the state of racial-gender and ethnic

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133621829


Some of the assigned readings in this class are more than 60 years old. Others are more contemporary. In both cases, the readings offer a perspective on analyzing the state of racial, gender, and ethnic relations at the historical moment when they were written as as relations today.

Using 3 of the assigned readings from weeks 7-13 (after exam 1) in this class please analyze and evaluate the state of racial, gender, and ethnic (in this case Latinx) relations in contemporary America. What progress has been made in the last 60 years? What remains unresolved? Why? And what are the prospects for genuinely inclusive equality and freedom in the US today?

In your essay, please select only ONE category: either race, or gender, or Latinx. Please do not write on all of them.

Reference no: EM133621829

Questions Cloud

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Evaluate the state of racial-gender and ethnic : Using 3 of the assigned readings from weeks 7-13 (after exam 1) in this class please analyze and evaluate the state of racial, gender, and ethnic.
How would it impact our overall system : If you had the chance to add an amendment to the United States Constitution, what would it be?
What was cold war and what effect did it have on political : What was the Cold War and what effect did it have on political and social development in Japan, People's Republic of China, India, Egypt, Tanzania, and Cuba?
What kinds are crops originated in drylands : What kinds are crops originated in drylands? Why are these kinds of crops important for humans?
How europe underdeveloped africa 1981 by rodney walter : Key issues that contributed to the European underdevelopment of Africa using the book "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa 1981 by Rodney Walter.


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