Reference no: EM133422472
Address ONE of the essay prompts below
1. Which normative theory best accounts for the moral obligations of businesses?
2. Evaluate the spirit of capitalism. Is it good and worthy of emulation, or a bad ethos that should be avoided? Why do you think it is or is not the dominant ethos today?
3. Explain and evaluate Milton Friedman and Edward Freeman's account of the social responsibility of business.
4. Explain Marx's account of profit and alienation. Do you think capitalism is or can be a just mode of economic production?
5. Evaluate Macpherson's account of property. Do you think, like Macpherson, our understanding of property is changing? Do you think the change is for the better?
6. Explain the relationship between capitalism and unwaged forms of labour. Are corporations responsible for these unwaged forms of labour? If so, how can they take responsibility? If not, why not?
7. Explain and evaluate Fraser's account of the history of second-wave feminism and the future possibilities of feminism.