Evaluate the social impact of information technology

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Reference no: EM133535890

IT Professional and Society

This assignment addresses the following overall subject objectives:

1. Evaluate the social impact of information technology and the social responsibility of IT professionals.

2. Apply the IT profession's Codes of Ethics and Codes of Conduct, and develop a personal ethical framework to use in professional settings.

3. Analyse the legal and moral responsibilities that IT Professionals have to their profession and society.

Reflective Essay

Choose two discussion topics from any tutorials in weeks 3-7, reflect on what you have learned from these discussions and relate it to your learning from the lectures or reading resources during weeks 1-7. The reflection must form a coherent and structured work. The essay must be your own thoughts and analysis. As such, use of other sources is arbitrary. Finally, construct your essay around the following components.

Here, you need to describe the learning experience you are reflecting on (i.e., the two discussion topics of your choice). Be concise in this step and just provide enough information to set the scene for your readers based on your chosen discussion topics.

Reference no: EM133535890

Questions Cloud

What three trends do you believe are evolving the practice : what three trends do you believe are evolving the practice of couple and family counseling and why? How does culture impact these trends? Address evidence-based
Explain the concept of the imperial presidency : Explain the concept of the "imperial presidency." What historical examples illustrate the expansion of presidential power during times of crisis?
Do you think that laura could have a dual diagnosis : Do you think that Laura could have a dual diagnosis? If so, what do you think she would be diagnosed with? What are the contributing factors?
Describe a minimum of 4 different types of dual relationship : describe a minimum of 4 different types of dual relationships, both prohibited and acceptable What are some of the potential hazards to engaging in dual
Evaluate the social impact of information technology : 32563 IT Professional and Society, University of Technology Sydney - Evaluate the social impact of information technology and the social responsibility of IT
What is the reasons you want to pursue a msw degree : What is the reasons you want to pursue a MSW degree? Where do you see yourself in 10 years with your MSW?
Discuss what skills can be developed from having this : Reflect on the knowledge, based on theories of development, you have learned during this course Discuss what skills can be developed from having this knowledge
Examine an array of doubles : What function, in C, examines an array of doubles and returns the index of the first element that is larger than 10 or -1 if no such element exists.
Explain why you cannot necessarily generalize the results : Discuss a feature of that sample that might make it less representative of the general population or not easily generalizable to other populations


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