Evaluate the significance of difference of chl and sbp

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Reference no: EM133770981

This assessment task requires you to write a structured report on given public health scenarios and a prepared data set, which will include identifying data, presenting a descriptive and graphical overview of the scenarios, and formulating and evaluating research hypotheses in different scenarios.

In case, you are analysing data for multiple variables for a question, please report your findings for all variables under one common heading in each steps.

Data Description (CVD-Data): Consider a study where twelve baseline variables (e.g., age, gender, weight, BMI, etc.) among others were collected from each of the 1429 participants. Out of the 1429 participants, 952 had a history of being treated with Drug-X on a regular basis. The objective of the study was to investigate whether Drug-X was protective for various risk factors of cerebrovascular vascular disease (CVD). The participants were then followed for 5 years and their mortality status was recorded. The short and long names of the variables are given in Table 1. Note: Baseline Variable is collected at the beginning of a study.

Question 1 Consider that an investigator aims to assess whether ‘Drug-X' was protective for ‘mortality' in the study sample. Present the related data on an appropriate graph and discuss the relationship between ‘Drug-X' and mortality (Hint: no additional summary statistics or significance test required for answering this question).

Question 2: Using appropriate statistical method(s) investigate whether patients who had a history of being treated with Drug-X on a regular basis have significantly different systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and cholesterol level (CHL) compared to patients without Drug-X treated.

Please fill up the following table from the above analysis results.

Question 3: Using appropriate statistical methods evaluate the significance of difference of CHL and SBP between the BMI categories.

Question 4: Using appropriate statistical methods compare patients' SBP and DBP by STROKE status. Hint: Statistical significance test required.

Question 5: In a clinical trial, 35 subjects were treated with a new drug to show the efficacy of the drug in reducing diastolic blood pressure (DBP). Their blood pressure was observed before the treatment and after 10 weeks of the treatment (see the DBP-data on the AT2 section). Using appropriate statistical method(s) evaluate whether the drug is significantly effective.

Question 6: State the learning outcomes of Topics 4-6 and describe how this assignment questions are aligned with these learning outcomes (this will be excluded from the total word count for this assessment).

In a SINGLE Word document/file (submission of PDF will not be accepted), your assignment must:

Have a title page, which includes your full name and student ID, and the title of the assessment (will not be included in PAGE/WORD count)
Have a content page, which lists the content of your assignment (will be excluded from PAGE/WORD count)
Tips for some selected questions in AT2:
State the objectives/assumptions/hypothesis of the study and justify the use of the selected statistical method/s.
Address all key issues related to the chosen statistical methods;
Add all relevant statistical analysis results in an APPENDIX of the respective QUESTION, e.g. Appendix of Q1.
Discuss the results in the context of the study objective/hypothesis;
Provide a summary conclusion in the context of the research objective followed by the impact of the findings;
Evidence of enhanced learning is expected throughout the presentation;
In case, you are analysing multiple variables for a question, please report your findings for all variables under one common heading in each steps in the presentation.

Reference no: EM133770981

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