Evaluate the safety and security compliance

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Reference no: EM132607418

Assignment: Risk Prevention Policy

Competencies: • Evaluate the safety and security compliance of organizational and employee work environments.

• Analyze organizational practices as they relate to union-related and labor relations laws.

• Design reasonable accommodations to meet the needs of employees and the organization.

• Appraise the workforce relations of an organization to ensure optimal performance.

• Integrate negotiation strategies with legal decision-making to ensure policies and practices reflect ethical values.

• Design an organizational risk management plan.

Scenario: You have been hired as the new Vice President of HR for your organization. One of the first areas in which you need to familiarize yourself with is in how well (or not) the organization manages and prevents risk. Upon review, you realize that there is no comprehensive policy for risk prevention and management currently in place. You report your findings to the CEO, who agrees that this lack of documented policy must be corrected immediately. The CEO has instructed you to develop a policy document to protect the organization and its employees from risk. As part of your role as VP of HR, you will need to research your organization, note that it is publicly-traded.

Instructions: Based on your research, prepare a policy document for the company that:

• Outlines standards for employee safety and security.

• Designs measures for reasonable accommodation.

• Designates critical components that must be addressed to assure business continuity in the event of a natural disaster.

• Describes how management decisions must align to the ethical values of the organization.

• Illustrates the impact of labor laws and unions.

• Incorporates a Human Resources audit.

• Provides attribution for credible sources used in the policy document.

Reference no: EM132607418

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