Evaluate the quality of them using the CRAAP test

Assignment Help Custom Essay
Reference no: EM133678957

Investigative Report

Topic - Communication technology Risks.


For this final assignment, you will submit a 3-4 page Investigative Report, answering a specific research question on the broad topic which you've been exploring since the middle of the course:

Virtual and Non-territorial Office Spaces Communication Technology Risks
Indigenous Economic Empowerment Gig Economy
Cultural Diversity in the Canadian Workplace

Continue to use both scholarly and popular sources. Remember to track your research, use APA in- text and reference entries, and evaluate the quality of them using the CRAAP test and lateral reading.
You are required to use at least four secondary research sources:
two online articles
one website that you believe you can trust for information on your topic one other source of your choice
All information drawn from secondary sources must be cited in the body of the report and listed in the references list, following APA documentation guidelines.
You should also include at least one primary research source:
data gathered from your survey observational data
data gathered from an interview (personal communication)
Follow APA guidelines for citing primary research in the body of your report.

Report sections

Introduces topic and its significance to contemporary workplaces

Provides brief background for readers who may be unfamiliar with the topic Identifies purpose of the report (the question it will answer)

Previews document organization with a rationale statement

Research themes are organized into subtopics and organized by component, importance, etc. Include cited facts, statistics, observations, survey results

Include one table, chart, or other data visualization

Explain what the findings mean and how they answer the research question May also point to next steps

For this investigative report, you will use memo-style formatting with no separate title page, no table of contents, and no page numbers.

Length-3-4 pages
You may continue to use memo-style formatting or follow short report formatting as explained in your text.
Headings-for this short report, use Title, Level 1, and if needed-Level 2 (see example on p.324)

Single-spaced block format with one extra space between paragraphs or before/after headings APA formatted references list with a Level 1 heading (References).

Reference no: EM133678957

Questions Cloud

Identify tools to add to a forensics toolkit : Describe the capabilities of several sniffers and other network analysis tools. Identify tools to add to a forensics toolkit.
What are three main features of tripwire and cimtrak : What are three main features of Tripwire and CimTrak? How do they detect external attacks? Which operating systems do they support?
Company makes two models of custom patio chairs : A company makes two models of custom patio chairs? - Model A and Model B. Model A chairs require 5 hours of carpentry? time
Describes few legal issues related to mobile device forensic : Describes a few legal issues related to mobile device forensic activities in general. Lists the general information that your device reveals about your life.
Evaluate the quality of them using the CRAAP test : Evaluate the quality of them using the CRAAP test and lateral reading - Previews document organization with a rationale statement
Ideas for strengths-weaknesses-opportunities and threats : Provides some general ideas for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Your task for this assignment is to identify three strengths,
How well was the article written : How well (or poorly) was this article written? b. Did it accomplish the objectives it set out to do (think back to the Objectives section)? c. Why or why not?
Individuals often interpret stressful situations : Melnick argues that individuals often interpret stressful situations in the workplace subjectively, influenced by their own insecurities
Cost-effectiveness of advanced treatment methods : ENGR6009 Professional Engineering Research Design Project, Curtin University - Examining the composition and potential toxicity of sludge and volatile organic



4/19/2024 12:26:17 AM

Topic Communication technology Risks. Please make sure dont use AI tool. i am attaching my instructions file with this.

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