Evaluate the quality of redtop''s internal audit function

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM13841914

Audit Judgment- Please respond to the following:

From the case study, evaluate the quality of REDTOP's internal audit function. Based on your evaluation, recommend at least two (2) changes that you would make in order to improve the quality of REDTOP's internal audit function. Provide a rationale to support your response.

From the case study, give your opinion as to whether or not your external audit engagement team could use REDTOP's internal audit function in another fashion, as opposed to merely relying on existing internal audits in order to perform the overall audit of REDTOP Sports Company. Recommend one (1) alternative to using the work that the internal audit has already yielded as part of your external audit. Provide a rationale to support your response

Reference no: EM13841914

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