Evaluate the proper accounting for transactions

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM132262667

Question: Competencies

– Evaluate the reasons business combinations occur and the accounting implications of such transactions.

– Critique the development of International Accounting Standards and the implications for US corporations.

– Measure the accounting for foreign currency and its translation.

– Assess the proper accounting for transactions with respect to deferred taxes and leases using the accounting codification and other accounting research tools.

– Justify the proper accounting for transactions with respect to accounting changes and error corrections using the accounting codification and other accounting research tools

– Evaluate the proper accounting for transactions with respect to interim and segment reporting using the accounting codification and other accounting research tools.

Scenario: Swift Cycles is a publicly held, mid-sized manufacturer, with $40 million dollars in annual revenue. Swift has been producing high-end custom cycles currently in the US for the past ten years. Swift has decided to start operations in various locations in Europe in the next five years. In a recent board meeting, the CEO and CFO faced difficult questioning from outside members of the board regarding the impact that adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards might have on the company. Both officers lack a depth of knowledge on the subject and their preparedness for the changes that may be presented.

The CFO has asked you as the Controller to do some preliminary research about the possible transition from US GAAP principles to IFRS standards. The company is publicly held; therefore, it must follow all reporting requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Prepare an analysis and presentation of the impact that adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards would have on the company's financial statements and its investors. Also, prepare an analysis and operational plan of how this adoption may be accomplished by the company.


Analysis of Adopting IFRS:

Create an executive summary that analyzes the impact that adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards would have on Swift's financial statements and its investors. For your analysis, consider that IFRS will be adopted in their current form. Consider the effects on each of the account groupings (such as foreign currency transactions, deferred taxes, and leases in different countries) for each of the financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, change in equity statement, and statement of cash flows). Explain the implications of consolidating reporting to the parent company versus segment reporting over major areas of the company.

Operational Plan:
Within the executive summary, write a proposal that provides an operational plan of how this adoption may be accomplished in the company. Consider the following in your Operational Plan:
– Resources.
– What policies and procedures should be modified in order meet IFRS requirements?
– How the project should be managed.
– What organizational structures, policies, or procedures should be in place to ensure that the implementation is ethical and compliant with all IFRS requirements?

Presentation to the Executive Board:
For the executive leadership team, create a PowerPoint presentation, 5-10 slides, including slide notes to summarize the essential information regarding the impact of the adoption of IFRS on financial statements and investors of the company, which includes the information from the operational plan. At the end of your executive summary, give your strongest recommendation on the convergence to IFRS.

Use the FASB Codification and IFRS to address all technical accounting issues presented in the questions, being certain to reference the applicable sections of the Codification and IFRS in your report.

Verified Expert

This assignment provides information in regard to the need for the adoption of the IFRS. The adoption of IFRS provides proper accounting in regard to the leases, foreign currency transactions, and the deferred taxes. The IFRS provides better presentation of these items in the income statement and the balance sheet in order to show true and fair view of the financial position of the company.

Reference no: EM132262667

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3/21/2019 9:32:36 PM

Basic proposal for how adoption of IFRS may be accomplished in the company, including resource needs, policies and procedures, project management, ethics, and compliance. Clear proposal for how adoption of IFRS may be accomplished in the company, including resource needs, policies and procedures, project management, ethics, and compliance. Basic presentation summarizing the essential information regarding the impact of the adoption of IFRS on financial statements and investors of the company, including the operational plan. Clear presentation summarizing the essential information regarding the impact of the adoption of IFRS on financial statements and investors of the company, including the operational plan. Basic recommendation on the convergence to IFRS, supported by evidence in the presentation. Clear recommendation on the convergence to IFRS, supported by evidence in the presentation.


3/21/2019 9:32:26 PM

Basic explanation of the implications of consolidating reporting to the parent company versus segment reporting over major areas of the company. Clear explanation of the implications of consolidating reporting to the parent company versus segment reporting over major areas of the company.


3/21/2019 9:32:20 PM

Any other sources used to support your responses should similarly be properly documented. You should have other credible sources in addition to the Codification and IFRS B A 3 4 Proficiency Mastery Basic analysis of the impact that adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards would have on Swift's financial statements and its investors, including effects on each of the account groupings for each of the financial statements. Clear analysis of the impact that adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards would have on Swift's financial statements and its investors, including effects on each of the account groupings for each of the financial statements.

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