Reference no: EM132954867
"The beauty of our system," said Phil Larson, "is that you can monitor the actions of all your employees and all your managers."
Phil was talking to Gene Monteagudo, chief operating officer for Fazziano's Fast Italian Kitchens, a chain of 150 casual dining and carryout Italian food restaurants. Gene had called POS-Video Security, the company Phil represented, because, for the second time this year, one of Gene's regional managers had discovered a case of employee manager collusion. Working together, the employee and manager stole revenue from their restaurant by manipulating their unit's POS system.
"I'm pretty sure I see how your company's product would have detected our most recent theft problem, but go over it one more time," said Gene.
"Okay, Gene, I'd be glad to," said Phil. "Essentially, our new system goes beyond traditional surveillance methods by synchronizing the video with the data mined from your POS system to create detailed, customized video reports. Potentially fraudulent activity such as manager overrides, coupons or comps, or even a cash drawer being open for too long, is tracked and the corresponding video surveillance can be searched by transaction number. Data reports and streaming video, both real time and stored, can be accessed securely on a PC, smart device, or in the cloud."
"So, for example," replied Gene, "when a sales void occurs, your system identifies the portion of video that was recording at the time of the void and would then allow my regional managers to view just that portion of the video so they could see what was going on in the store at the precise time of that transaction."
"Exactly," said Phil.
-What types of employee fraud do you think could be uncovered utilizing the technology offered by POSVideo Security's new product?
-Do you think that the behavior of most dishonest cashiers and managers would be changed if they knew their actions were being video recorded?
-What issues should Gene consider as he evaluates the potential benefits to be gained from the purchase of an advanced technology control system such as the one offered by Phil's company?