Evaluate the plans effectiveness

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131702726 , Length: 5

Research Project: Select a company in the health care industry that operates in your area. Research a recent marketing campaign executed by the company, and address the following:

Explain the target market and the objective of the marketing campaign. Analyze the elements of the campaign based on the 4 Ps of marketing (product, price, placement, promotion).

Evaluate the plans effectiveness. Recommend 2 additional marketing actions that would supplement the company existing campaign.

NOTE: You need to support your work with at least 4 academic or professional peer-reviewed sources that were published within the past 5 years.

APA Format 3-5 pages EXCLUDING title, reference and abstract pages.

Reference no: EM131702726

Questions Cloud

Does title vii apply to such partnership selection decisions : The firm's rules state that an associate passed over for promotion must seek employment elsewhere. Anderson was therefore terminated by the firm on December 31.
Mergers and acquisition and the affordable care act : Research consolidations, mergers and acquisition and the Affordable Care Act (ACA). What would you project to be the influence of any of these topics
Discuss machine operators are in their mid to late forties : The majority of the machine operators are in their mid to late forties, some with families, some without
Prepare a presentation on saudi arabias economic forecast : You need to prepare a presentation on Saudi Arabia's economic forecast for 2018 to 2020 and role and future of travel industry in it.
Evaluate the plans effectiveness : Evaluate the plans effectiveness. Recommend 2 additional marketing actions that would supplement the company existing campaign.
How should the court rule on plebani complaint : John Plebani had worked as a waiter at the Cabaret Restaurant in Binghamton, New York. He was discharged when the restaurant manager decided that business.
Explain the effects of sunk costs and opportunity costs : Explain the effects of sunk costs and opportunity costs in deciding whether to accept a project.
Briefly describe the incremental continuity position : Regarding the learning process, briefly describe the incremental (continuity) position, the all-or-none (noncontinuity) position, and the compromise position
Compare and contrast the internal rate of return : Compare and contrast the internal rate of return (IRR) method from the net present value method (NPV).


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