Evaluate the performance of one of your employees

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133464824

Determine an effective process to evaluate the performance of one of your employees.

1. Provide an explanation for each of the criteria. Remember, these should directly represent the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) as well as the requirements for the position.

2. Develop a rating scale, and provide a legend that identifies the distinct performance rating definitions. There must be a minimum of three levels. (The template has three levels; however, you can add more.)

3. Next, you will fill out your newly created form to evaluate the mid-level manager. This is, of course, based on the input of the immediate supervisor and your own assessment.

4. Evaluate each criteria, and include a minimum of three criteria where the employee does not meet performance expectations.

5. Summarize the employee performance appraisal in the comments section.

6. Identify the employee's strengths and weaknesses.

7. Offer feedback and coaching on ways that the employee can improve his or her performance.

8. Finally, a synopsis in which you explain the value of your evaluation process and new tool to your leadership team. Include the information below:

- how the changes will benefit the organization,

- how equal employment opportunity laws were considered, and

- strategies that leaders can use to address unmet employee performance expectations.


Reference no: EM133464824

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