Reference no: EM133178530
66-706908-AF Advanced laboratoryand research practice
Learning Outcome 1: Critically evaluate scientific literature and demonstrate comprehension of current scientific knowledge.
Learning Outcome 2: Analyse using appropriate statistics and critically evaluate the outcomes of practical experimental results.
Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate theoretical and practical competency in technically complex practical approaches.
Learning Outcome 4: Design a program of research capable of producing novel results, with consideration of statistical, ethical and safety issues
Experimental research is essential to the progression of science and the design of coherent research plan is important in achieving this objective. This module aims to prepare students for experimental research by developing the skills needed to deliver a substantive research project.Within the program this module sits between the semester one laboratory module and the semester three independent research project. The module is split into three closely related areas.
1. Critical investigation. The module willdepth a depth of critical appraisal skills in a given area through the generation of an independentliterature review. This review is intended to prepare the students for their independent research project by exposing the student to current research thinking in their given field. The topic of the literature review will focus on an area of research interest of the review supervisor and will be directly related to the semester three independent project that the student will perform. The supervisor will guide the student towards the key aspects of the topic and give guidance on where they should start their review of the literature. Current understanding of a given topic will be discussed in a critical and coherent fashion.
2. Developing a coherent research proposal.The ability to plan a program of work in a safe and ethical manner is a key research skill. Project planning activities will prepare the students for their research projects through the development of project objectives, aims and experimental plans. The key methods required to compete the program of research will be identified and the theoretical basis of their inclusion will be established. In depth and practical understanding of current health, safely and ethical practices will be achieved by framing these key employability skills in the context of their own project.The proposal will include of the completion of documents essential to undertaking the student's research project. This involves the completion of COSHH and risk assessment documentation, completion of ethical approval, and exploring project management strategies such as Gantt charts.
3. Problem solving, analysis and record keeping.This module aims to give an integrated approach to quality with respect to scientific experimental work, starting at the formulation of a research question and following the research path through to correct and unambiguous reporting. Problem solving skills within the practical environment needed for research project will be developed through course specific laboratory practical's. These open ended problems will allow the students to plan, optimise and trouble shoot a short program of work on a given course specific method. Analysis of this will be assessed through the student's ability to present, interpret and analysis data in the appropriate manner.Assessment will consist of a laboratory note book that documents this problem solving activities and its outputs which conforms to the principles of good laboratory practice (GLP).
By completing these three key areas the students will be well prepared for their final independent research project having developed a deep understanding of their chosen area, produced a safe and ethical research proposal and developed practical problem solving skills.