Evaluate the influence an organizations strategic plan has

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131564911

Discussion: Designing an Effective Performance Management Program

Last week you examined the role of performance appraisals in a performance management system. To efficiently and effectively provide feedback to an employee, it is essential that you clearly communicate your expectations for the position as well as the roles and responsibilities associated with that position.

Likewise, when an organization is in the design stage of its performance management program, it is essential for the responsible stakeholders to have a clear understanding of the outcomes the organization wishes to achieve with the program. In addition, stakeholders need to consider the alignment of the performance management program with the organization's strategic plan, including its mission and vision, to maintain a consistent and congruent message to employees.

Post a cohesive and scholarly response based on your readings and research this week that addresses the following:

Describe why it is essential to consider the mission, vision, goals, values, and strategies of an organization in the design of a performance management process. Describe the impact these components have on how a performance management process is shaped within an organization. Evaluate the influence an organization's strategic plan has on its performance management program. Are there other variables, outside the strategic plan,that might also influence the performance management plan? Be specific and provide examples with references to the literature provided this week.

APA Guidelines In cite Citation discussion question not a paper! Please use Scholarly References

The book can be found on Amazon to view some of the Chapters 3 and 11- Performance Management.

Reference no: EM131564911

Questions Cloud

What are the estimated sales for next year : If a store sells quilts and paintings, and it has estimated selling 50 quilts at $250 each and 42 paintings at $500 each.
Write a letter to the editor : The article about Poor Door on the Upper West Side describes one such development project which became highly controversial
Type of healthcare policy at the federal or state level : Identify one type of healthcare policy at the Federal or state level.
What are basic reasons that people resist change : 1. What are basic reasons that people resist change? How can this resistance be overcome?
Evaluate the influence an organizations strategic plan has : Evaluate the influence an organization's strategic plan has on its performance management program. Are there other variables, outside the strategic plan.
Compare the concepts of ethics coming from the top : Explain the concepts of intrinsic and instrumental values, and provide at least two (2) examples that illustrate how each set of values is crucial .
Demonstrate increased vocal presentation skills : By the end of teaching period 3, I will develop and demonstrate increased vocal presentation skills by using on-line presentation resources and actively.
What is multicultural education : What is multicultural education. What are some processes for developing cultural identity
Designing business documents : You work in the human resources department of a nationwide retailer. You are responsible for designing business documents within your department.


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