Evaluate the impact of transformational leadership

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131812302

Part A

In Part A, we assess learning outcomes related to topics 1, 2, 3, 7 & 10 by providing you with case study information on the leadership and strategic development processes which operate within the innovative context at Twitter.

The purpose of this brief is to provide you:

- Details of the coursework assessment: background to the case and questions

- Information on presentation and submission date.

- Guidelines to assist you in answering the questions

- The assessment marking criteria and feedback sheet for Part A.

Case Study Background & Questions

Read carefully the case evidence on Twitter which is contained in the following four sources:
1. Mark, K. & Parker, S. (2011) Twitter extracted from:

Ireland, R.D., Hoskisson, R. E., & Hitt, M.A. (2013) The Management of Strategy: Concepts and Cases, 10th International Edition, South-Western, Cengage Learning, pages 371-377
2. Twitter (2013) Annual Report 2013, Twitter, Inc.

3. Twitter (2014) Annual Report 2014, Twitter, Inc.

4. Twitter (2016) Annual Report 2015, Twitter, Inc.

Each source covers a distinct period of Twitter's strategic development from start-up, to stock market listing (IPO), to growth within the internet information provider industry.

- Source 1 provides a case analysis of Twitter's strategic development at start- up (2006-2011).

- Source 2 reports on Twitter's strategic position having achieved an initial public offering (IPO) in 2013.
- Source 3 reports on Twitter's current growth directions and future strategic choices in 2014.
- Source 4 reports on Twitter's current strategic position and outlines the current risks related to Twitter and their industry in 2015-2016.

All sources provide insights into the leadership, strategy and innovation practices within Twitter. Source 1 critiques Twitter's origins, current business model and future strategic choices, whereas sources 2 and 3 provide a corporate account on Twitter's mission, values, along with the content and direction of their previous strategy.

Source 4 provides a corporate account on Twitter's current strategic position and warns of the risks the business currently faces. Your analysis of the Twitter Annual Reports should therefore be particularly critical in order to answer the below questions.

Part A of your coursework assessment requires you to answer two questions:


1. Using the Ashridge Sense of Mission Model analyse the case evidence to interpret whether Twitter's strategy show signs of a weak or strong sense of mission.

2. Using relevant strategic decision making theory, analyse Twitter's existing strategic decisions to interpret if Twitter have pursued a deliberate or emergent strategy. In your answer, discuss to what extent you believe Twitter have built and sustained a long-term competitive advantage.

Question 1 asks you to critically review if Twitter has achieved a strong sense of mission. The question specifically asks you to use the Ashridge Sense of Mission model which is part of your prescribed reading for unit 2. Specifically you should apply and discuss the four elements of mission (Ashridge model) to Twitter. When considering purpose and strategy, you should analyse the case evidence on mission, values and strategy. When doing this avoid being overly descriptive on the content of Twitter's strategy as you will soon exceed the word limit. Attempt to develop arguments and, if necessary, include supporting details in appendices. More crucially, you must address the central issue in the question of how the fifth element, a sense of mission, is achieved through the alignment of the employees' personal values with the organisation's identity and values. In doing this, consider the role played by the leadership and management approach at Twitter - particularly discussed in sources 2, 3, & 4 - to integrate the elements of mission, behavioural standards and values of the organisation, with those of the employees. You will also need to evaluate Twitter's mission based on the company's recent expansion and strategic developments to express and justify your opinion on whether Twitter have a achieved a strong sense of mission.

To answer question 2 you will need to write a short essay by drawing on your learning of strategic decision-making theory and your prescribed reading from Johnson et al, chapter 12. Initially, you should commence your research by reading and examining the case evidence in order to identify a list of Twitter's strategic decisions. Once you have identified a list of these decisions in chronological order, your essay discussion should focus on how this decision-making relates to deliberate and/or emergent forms of strategy development. When doing this avoid being overly descriptive on the content of these decisions. Instead, you should ensure that the use the relevant theory to structure your discussion of case evidence. To develop your arguments further, a brief distinction between deliberate and intended strategy would be useful, followed by an in-depth discussion on which approach most closely resembles Twitter's strategic development. To reach conclusions on Twitter's competitive advantage, you should consider the sources of their competitive advantage (e.g. cost leadership, differentiation, focus etc.) and whether this has been sustained (e.g. through various types of isolating mechanisms). See Grant (2012), Chapter 7 and Unit 7 on Strategic Decision-Making in Innovative Contexts for further guidance.


In Part B, we require you to write an essay on the following topic.

Essay Topic:
Critically evaluate the impact of transformational leadership on creating innovation in the workplace. Present some examples of transformational leaders to support your views.

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This assignment is on Twitter to analyse its mission statement through the use of Ashridge Model of Mission to discover the four dimensions of the model which are purpose, strategy, behavioral standards and values and sees if it has strong mission or not. It has also discussed the strategic decision making theory which is deliberate strategy it follows to develop and implement the planning for its functioning and framing the structure to be followed for achieving its goals and delivering its products to the audience in best way to maintain its leading position.

Reference no: EM131812302

Questions Cloud

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3/22/2018 5:36:36 AM

I have provided examples of how the work is to be submitted along with the core text for the course 26978436_1Essay Sample 1- Leading Strategic Decision.pdf 26978413_2Essay Sample 2- leading strategic decision.pdf 26978463_3Leading Strategic Decision Making.pdf Please see the attached for Part A and Part B. Minimum Length: 2000 words Maximum Length: 2500 words for each part individually. Hi please make the necessary adjustments due to the tutor's feedback. Thanks in advance since I really want to pass this course. Part B of the assignment for Transformational Leadership. 26978421_1Tutor Comments for Transformational Leadership.docx


2/28/2018 4:38:56 AM

I have provided examples of how the work is to be submitted along with the core text for the course 269468278436_1Essay Sample 1- Leading Strategic Decision.pdf 1834626978413_2Essay Sample 2- leading strategic decision.pdf 26978435468463_3Leading Strategic Decision Making.pdf Please see the attached for Part A and Part B. Minimum Length: 2000 words Maximum Length: 2500 words for each part individually. Hi please proceed with the second part of this assignment which is due on tutors. Thanks in advance since I really want to pass this course. Part B of the assignment for Transformational Leadership. 32626978421_1Tutor Comments for Transformational Leadership.docx


1/13/2018 4:55:46 AM

Analysis. Comprehensive examination of appropriate theoretical frameworks and models. Strong arguments presented with critical insights and good communication skills in evidence. (60%) Conclusions. Clear identification of key themes and issues. Synthesis of core arguments and formulation of insights and recommendations as appropriate (20%) Overall Grade: Marker: N.B. the percentages are shown as indications of the relative importance of each section and should not be taken as a precise indication of the marking scheme.


1/13/2018 4:55:37 AM

Coursework Assessment Feedback Matriculation No. Date of Submission: Module: Leading Strategic Decision-Making Part B: Essay Cohort: Category Comment Presentation of the essay. Clear use of paragraphs and headings and the text is free from typographical and spelling errors. (10%) Referencing of content. Consistent use of APA Referencing throughout the essay with adequate citation support for arguments being made. (10%)


1/13/2018 4:55:26 AM

Bullet points and numbered lists should be avoided in your essay – with strong, well- supported arguments from the literature preferred. Please use “justify” alignment and 1 and a half or double spacing. Your font should be a suitable size (usually 11 or 12 font size). While we do not specify a particular number of references/citations to be included, you should include at least a minimum of 15 different journal articles in your essay. Please answer the topic posed. Your essay should NOT be a summary of leadership theories. You need to specifically address the topic and question posed. Minimum Essay Length: 2000 words Maximum Essay Length: 2500 words The word count includes your entire essay, your citations and your reference list. Appendices should not be included in your Part B submission. However, the word count does not include the cover page. The word count ranges between 2000 words and 2500 words (so please do not ask about 10% allowances related to the word count – your full word count should fit between 2000 words and 2500 words)


1/13/2018 4:55:06 AM

Please remember to structure your essay appropriate. You should use headings – and include an introduction, main body and conclusion/recommendations sections. Please do not label the main body as “main body”. You should avoid using footnotes in your essay. Please ensure you use UK English spelling in your writing – so avoid “z’s” such as “organization” and use the UK English spelling of “organisation” instead.


1/13/2018 4:54:56 AM

Guidance Notes on Part B: You must refer to relevant literature throughout the essay. This can be in the form of textbooks, journal articles, or relevant web-based material. Student are directed in particular to the following databases which they may find useful in developing their essay: • ABI Inform Complete (Proquest) • Ingenta • Science Direct • Sage Online In particular, the following journals may be helpful to you in relation to the prescribed topic: • Leadership Quarterly (Available on Science Direct) • Leadership and Organisation Development Journal (Available on ABI Inform) • Team Performance Management (Available on ABI Inform) • Journal of Management Development (Available on ABI Inform) • Group and Organisation Management (Available on Sage Online) You may wish to refer to relevant theory or you may wish to cite relevant research or examples to support your arguments. Remember all material cited must be referenced using the APA Referencing system


1/13/2018 4:54:41 AM

Marking schedule for Part B: 10% of marks are allocated to the presentation of the essay. The student’s work should be typed with clear use of paragraphs and headings. Typographical and spelling errors should be avoided. 10% of marks are allocated to appropriate referencing of content. Students should familiarise themselves and make use of the APA referencing system and should cite and reference material properly. Students should make use of a range of resources (books, journal articles etc) and the literature used should be appropriate to the arguments made. 60% of marks are allocated to the analysis presented in the essay. Students should examine appropriate theoretical concepts and frameworks. Students should demonstrate an awareness of the wider context and present an in-depth discussion of current issues. Better students will demonstrate critical analysis skills and communicate their arguments in a clear and coherent manner. 20% of marks are allocated to the conclusions drawn. The conclusions should identify the key themes or issues under consideration. Conclusions should be well supported from the analysis and highlight the significance of arguments, evidence and insights


1/13/2018 4:54:22 AM

Critically examine Twitter’s sense of mission using the Ashridge Model. (35%) Analyse Twitter’s existing strategic decisions to interpret if Twitter have pursued a deliberate or emergent strategy (35%) Ability to reach coherent and logical arguments from the analysis, supported by case evidence. (20%) E D C B A Fail (F1 – F5) Marginal Pass (P1) Satisfactory/ Good (P2-P3) Very good (P4-P5) Excellent (D1+) Overall Grade: Marker: the percentages are shown as indications of the relative importance of each section and should not be taken as a precise indication of the marking scheme.


1/13/2018 4:54:12 AM

Please ensure that Part A and Part B are submitted as separate documents. The documents should clearly be marked Part A and Part B and your matriculation number and module code should be clearly marked on the submission. Please also note that it is the intention of the module team to use grademark on this module – so you may receive feedback in this format. Part A Coursework Assessment Feedback Matriculation No. Date of Submission: Module: Leading Strategic Decision-making Part A: Twitter Case Study Cohort: Category Grade Comment Presentation of analysis, use of appropriate concepts, and depth of understanding of the issues raised in the case. (10%)


1/13/2018 4:53:37 AM

In terms of presentation, introduce each question indicating how you will structure your answer and conclude each answer with reference to your preceding arguments and the task required by the question. Do not present your answer in rigid report format but you may wish to divide your answer into sections which reflect the major elements of your analysis. The combined word count of your answers to both questions must comply with the following guidance: Minimum Length: 2000 words Maximum Length: 2500 words Submission deadline: Friday 27th April 2018, 11.59pm (UK time) The word limit for Part A excludes appendices and bibliography. Where a submission exceeds the stated word limit the maximum grade awarded will be P1. Appendices can be useful to provide additional information from your analysis but you must incorporate the key analytical arguments into the main body of your answer.


1/13/2018 4:53:27 AM

The assessment in Part A is a case analysis and you should note that case analysis is not a conceptual explanation or discussion but the application of concepts and frameworks to interpret the case information, analyse key events and statements, and reach evaluative judgements. The concepts and frameworks are covered in the workshops and prescribed reading and the guidance below gives you a few pointers on how you need to use this knowledge to answer the questions. In developing your analysis and arguments, you should use supporting evidence from the information contained in the case studies. Your answers must only be derived from the information on Twitter contained in the four case evidence sources listed above. You are not required to consult other sources on Twitter or go beyond the end date of the fourth source (2015-6). The reason for this is that your analysis and evaluation is being assessed at this point in the organisation’s development and not in the light of subsequent events. As a result you should not include references on Twitter from the internet or other sources.


1/13/2018 4:52:57 AM

Please pay special attention to the APA referencing and the instructions please. My aim would be to pass with a grade A or B Also note part A and B are to be submitted separately This graded assessment accounts for 90% of your final grade and comprises two separate assessment exercises: Part A & Part B which are both weighted equally at 45% of your final grade.

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