Reference no: EM133089287
SITXCOM005 Manage conflict - Mastery Institute Australia
Assessment Task - Role Play
Assessment task Instructions
• This activity will require you to participate in a role play, assuming the role of manager in the restaurant.
• You are required to recognise conflict situations, identify any security concern and take appropriate actions to prevent them from escalation.
• You are required to recognise and utilise the required assistance and resources to manage conflicts.
• You are required to assess nature and detail of conflicts with the help of relevant parties.
• You are required to seek solution and manage the conflicts using organizational procedure and staying within scope of own role and responsibilities.
• You are required to assess impacts, use best solution out of identified options to resolve conflict.
• You are required to log the incident of conflict, its impact and resolution using Incident log book.
• You are required to communicate with the parties involved to seek and provide feedback on conflict and its resolution.
• You are required to evaluate and reflect conflict resolution and identify possible cause and areas of improvement for future.
• Assessor/trainer will assess your performance as per the performance criteria and checklist provided.
Assume that you are working as a manager in Terra Rossa Restaurant & Bar in Melbourne. Restaurant serves different Italian cuisines and drinks and accommodation services. It is your job to manage the restaurant staff, resolve any conflicts with the customers and within staff members. As a manager, you can give free drinks, promotional food items and take appropriate steps to handle the conflict situation with the customers.
With the arrival of Footy season, the customer inflow has increased and creating a busy environment in the bar. Today is Footy Friday and you are anticipating a high influx of customer in the restaurant. The restaurant is determined to cater any customer within 2 minutes of their arrival and serve delicious food and drinks within 15 minutes of order.
You have 15 people staff on Friday and Saturday including 4 chefs, 3 Bar attendants, 3 support staff
/kitchen hands, 5 waitresses.
You noticed that one customer is not happy with the food quality and claiming that food was not arrived on time and misbehaving with your staff and using abusive words to her. He is threating your staff. Your staff is trying to resolve the issue, but customer tone is too loud and not willing to listen anything. As your staff is not able to handle the situation she escalated the issues to you.
Please refer appendix 1 for the policies and procedures.
Activity 1: Identify and resolve the conflict
You are required to read and understand the given scenario and policies and procedures (Appendix 1) to start the activity.
You are required to perform a role play with your classmates. You will act as a manager and your role is to identify the root cause of the conflict and resolve the conflict. You need to perform your role based on the given scenario.
One of your classmate will act as angry customer and he/she will perform the role based on the given scenario.
Another classmate will act as a staff and he/she will perform the role based on the given scenario.
Your trainer will provide 10-15 minutes to complete the role play and trainer may provide additional time if required.
You need to perform below task during the role play:
• Identify the conflict and use different techniques to prevent escalation
• Please make sure the safety of your staff
• Use different techniques and skills including conflict-resolution techniques and communication skills to understand the root cause of the conflict
• Follow organisation policies and procedures (Appendix) to manage the conflict
• Act as a role model and task responsibilities of the cause
• Evaluate the impact of the conflict on business and other customer
• Discuss with the customer and evaluate different options to resolve the conflict
• Check any legal actions needs to be taken
• Implement the best solutions and complete the following report
Your trainer/assessor will observe you during the role play and complete the following performance checklist. All the student must perform as a manager.
Activity 2: Evaluate conflict resolution
In this activity you are required arrange a meeting with two team members and discuss the conflict and feedback on conflict resolution.
You are required to perform a role play with your classmates. You will act as a manager and your role is discuss the how you delt with the conflict and provide feedback to the team member that what to do in this type of situation.
One of your classmate will act as a staff involved in the conflict and he/she will ask what to do in the future to manager the situation.
Another classmate will act as a staff and understand and follow the feedback provided by manager.
Your trainer will provide 7-10 minutes to complete the role play and trainer may provide additional time if required.
You need to perform below task during the role play:
• Communicate with the team member regarding conflict
• Discuss the effectiveness of the resolution
• Discuss what we can do to handle this kind of situations in the future
• What else we can to prevent this type of issues
• Evaluate the effectiveness of the solution completed in activity 1
• Discuss any future improvements required with in the workplace
• Prepare one-page report on effectiveness of the provided solution and what steps will you follow for the future
Activity 3: Evaluate conflict resolution
This activity is in continuation of the previous activities.
In the evening, one of the customer was drinking excessively and demanding more Tequila shot. Bartender refused to serve alcohol to him as he was already intoxicated. Customer was angry stared arguing regarding price of the drink and banged the bar and threaten to hit bartender if he refuses to serve him.
Your instructor will act as the customer and one of the student can act as security guard.
You are required to complete the following task during the role play:
• Identify the potential for conflict, analyse the situation and ensure personal safety of employee and customer and take appropriate action to response to this drunk customer. You can use appropriate assistance and resources to handle the situation.
• Use assertiveness as conflict resolution technique.
• Call internal security staff and police as a resource to help in managing conflict
• Deal customer using communication technique that is appropriate to different social and cultural groups.
Your trainer will provide 7-10 minutes to complete the role play and trainer may provide additional time if required.
Attachment:- Manage conflict - Assessment.rar