Evaluate the impact of reward plans on workforce behavior

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133465791

Human resource specialists routinely develop presentations for various groups in an organization. It is crucial to create a presentation that resonates with the identified audience. In other words, effective communication means using language and terms that the audience understands and providing visuals that convey meaning at a glance. The challenge in this assessment is to use a PowerPoint presentation to explain a total rewards strategy for CapraTek. Focus on how to communicate an effective strategic approach to management.

The goals for an effective total rewards programs are often the same for a global organization. These include enhancing employee motivation, productivity, and engagement.

Your manager, now officially your mentor, has arranged for you to give a PowerPoint presentation of your comprehensive reward plan to CapraTek upper management. Successful completion of this assignment will put you on the promotional fast track.

CapraTek is a virtual technology company. ?The assessment is based on the CapraTek scenarios.

CapraTek Key Issues and Analysis.

  • This simulation walks you through how to identify key issues that will affect a strategic compensation plan and how to analyze the basic organizational information necessary to make decisions and recommendations about a strategic compensation plan.
  • CapraTek: Job Structures and Compensation.
  • Examine the strategic and tactical decisions that need to be considered as well as the various contextual influences.
  • CapraTek: Strategic Pay Structures.
  • Determine the elements needed for a strategic pay structure.

Assessment Instructions
Integrate your job analysis and classification, pay structures, and benefits proposals from previous assessments into a comprehensive compensation structure, and prepare a PowerPoint presentation of a comprehensive reward plan for CapraTek upper management. Refer to the resources for guidance on how to use the PowerPoint presentation software.

Refer to Effective Presentations in this assessment to help you develop a more effective PowerPoint presentation.

Structure your 10-12 slide presentation by the sections below:


  • Evaluate compensation and benefits components in your plan.
  • Articulate the overall strategy.
  • Identify legally required benefits in your plan.
  • Identify discretionary benefits.
  • Argue whether this is a good return on investment.

Outline specific tactical steps.


  • Create a visual representation of strategic pay structures. This could be a table, chart, or diagram.
  • Create a visual representation of a strategic benefits structure and propose a timeline for implementation.
  • Justify the alignment of external and internal pay structures.
  • A strategic pay structure.
  • A strategic benefits structure.

Evaluate the effect of rewards plans on workforce behavior of employees and executives.
Cite evidence that the plan is internally consistent and externally competitive.
Note: Your faculty may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.

You should consider adding this assessment to your personal ePortfolio. This assessment demonstrates your ability to share a design for a pay structure. This skill is necessary in a professional setting when you are trying to make strategic compensation recommendations. You will want to organize your assessments to easily support future reflection and completion of your HRM capstone project as well as for showcasing your knowledge with employers after graduation. For more information on ePortfolio, visit the Campus ePortfolio page.

Additional Requirements
The deliverable for this assessment applies professional skills in HRM to workplace situations that you will likely encounter in your day-to-day work in HRM. As part of your learning, focus on the development of effective professional communication skills for the workplace.

Length: Your PowerPoint presentation should be 10-12 slides.
Organization: Make sure that your assignment writing is well organized, using headings and subheadings to organize content for the reader.
Font and font size: Ariel, 28 point.?
Resources: Use two scholarly, peer-reviewed or academic sources.
Evidence: Support your assertions with data and/or in-text citations and create a reference list as the final slide.
APA formatting: Resources and in-text citations are formatted according to current APA Style and Format.
Written communication:
Address the appropriate audience, using familiar, discipline-specific language and terminology.
Use spell-check and other tools to ensure correct spelling and grammar.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Assess the impact of compensation systems on individual and organizational performance.
Evaluate the impact of reward plans on workforce behavior of employees and executives. ?

Competency 2: Apply compensation theories to formulate a total rewards strategy.
Assess the alignment of external and internal pay structures.
Formulate the overall strategy and goals of a total rewards strategy for a scenario.

Competency 3: Analyze the influence of job classification systems on compensation programs.
Apply specific tactical steps recommended for the plan and propose a timeline.
Cite evidence the plan is internally consistent and externally competitive.

Competency 4: Communicate clearly, accurately, and professionally in the Human Resource Management field.
Address the appropriate audience, using familiar, discipline-specific language and terminology.

Reference no: EM133465791

Questions Cloud

Predictive maintenance in oil and gas industry : Give an example of how predictive maintenance systems could be used in another industry.
Design a pay structure for capratek that is commensurate : Design a pay structure for CapraTek that is commensurate with job classifications. The deliverable is a 3-4 page recommendation memo to upper management.
Analyze the Quality and Availability of the Data : Define issue and goals: Start by stating the business issue that the suggested AI initiative seeks to address. Analyze the Quality and Availability of the Data.
Calculate annual sales for each restaurant : Calculate Annual Sales for each restaurant. Annual Sales is result of multiplying a restaurant's SqFt. by Sales/SqFt. The first value has been provided for you.
Evaluate the impact of reward plans on workforce behavior : Evaluate the impact of reward plans on workforce behavior of employees and executives. ?- how to identify key issues that will affect a strategic compensation
Why is positive organizational climate important : Why is a positive organizational climate important? What are its implications?
About storing and sharing files such as music : Write your idea about storing and sharing files such as music, pictures, and documents via cloud.
How the ethical decision supports the good of the culture : Recommendation of an ethical decision in the scenario. Explanation of how the ethical decision supports the good of the culture and the society.
What are the ethical implication of you chosen problem : What are the ethical implication of you chosen problem or topic, how can ethical situation be weighed on and avoided?


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