Reference no: EM132678034
Assignmnt: Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:
Synthesize how various healthcare marketing principles and theories can maximize the effectiveness of a specific healthcare system.
Course outcomes addressed in this Assignment:
Outline how marketing principles and theories can maximize the effectiveness of healthcare systems. [Application]
Instructions: In this unit, you will become the marketing expert of a select healthcare system. By the end of this unit, you will be able to proficiently elaborate on how healthcare marketing principles and theories can maximize the effectiveness of a specific healthcare system.
The healthcare system that you selected will be the foundation for your unit 2 assignments.
• Research a real-life Long-term care healthcare organization. Describe its target market and services provided.
• Evaluate the healthcare organization's mission statement based on researched evaluation criteria. What components does the mission statement contain? Lack? What recommendation would you offer to improve the mission statement?
• Discuss how your selected healthcare system can legally market their services and products (e.g. federal requirements, state mandates, etc.). Be sure to discuss applicable laws that may impact the marketability of the healthcare system.
• Report your findings by using one (1) of the methods below:
• 3-4 page paper excluding front and back matter (APA standards apply)