Evaluate the functions of the various stakeholder groups

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Reference no: EM132148323 , Length: word count : 4000


Stakeholder involvement in business management has taken a dramatic turn in recent years in that its influence on managing business activities and project cannot be overlooked.

Any individual or groups who have an interest in the organization's activities is considered to be a stakeholder. A stakeholder is typically concerned with an organization delivering intended results and meeting its financial objectives.

In general, stakeholders are classified as internal, external or connected depending on position relative to the organization.

It is extremely important to identify and balance the demands of these stakeholder groups and to act responsibly to all of them in order to maintain and achieve an effective relationship with the business's success and community satisfaction.


You are required to produce a 4,000-word report detailing:

• Identify and critically evaluate the functions and importance of the various stakeholder groups.

• Critically analyse the strategies needed to predict individual stakeholder's behaviour and develop an effective community engagement plan.

• Critically evaluate appropriate communication strategies that will maximise the purpose of both external and internal stakeholder.

• Critically examine the relevant social network platforms that could be engaged with to provide leverage to a successful project implementation.

• Evaluate stakeholder management theories and explain how they can help predict stakeholder behaviour

Reference no: EM132148323

Questions Cloud

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