Evaluate the fairtrade practices of the fresh food industry

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM13343090 , Length: 1000 Words

Using three ethical principles of the Global Business Standards Codex (GBSC), evaluate the Fairtrade practices of the fresh food industry.

Assessment task

Based on the Learning Portfolio assessment, write a 1000 word academic essay addressing the question below. Students should include six (6) to ten (10) scholarly references which include at least three (3) of the Five Required Resources found on vUWS in the Assessment Tasks sub-folder called Essay - Week 14, as well as any other references that may help them support their arguments. That is, only references that have been cited in-text should be listed in the reference list.

The essay should have a clear structure which includes:

1. An introduction that:

a. Includes a few general statements about the topic to clarify your interpretation of the question;
b. Includes a thesis statement that presents your position on the topic; and
c. Outlines the main points that support your position.

2. A body that:

a. Includes a series of logically developed arguments that support your position and
b. Ensures that each argument and/or sub-argument is supported by descriptive, analytical and normative which is elaborated upon.

3. A conclusion that:
a. Summarises the main points discussed in the body of the essay;
b. Restates the thesis statement; and
c. Includes a final comment that does not introduce any new ideas.

4. Cohesive text that aids with the logical flow of the arguments presented.

5. A reference list which is alphabetical order by authors last name and includes only the resources that are used in the body of the text (i.e. in-text citations)

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Reference no: EM13343090

Questions Cloud

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Determine the frequency of the reflected sound : A van is approaching a stationary motion detector at 45 m/s. The motion detector emits ultrasonic sound waves toward the van, what is the frequency of the reflected sound measured by the detector
What fraction of a full circle does the dogs motion make : A 17-kg dog is standing on the edge of a stationary, frictionless turntable of rotational inertia 95kg?m2 and radius 1.70m. What fraction of a full circle does the dog's motion make with respect to the ground
How tall will it appear to be in the image : you have encouraged your little sister, who has just gotten glasses for her severe near-sightedness, to give you those glasses so you can play with them. If your sister's face is 180. mm-tall, how tall will it appear to be in the image (in mm)
Evaluate the fairtrade practices of the fresh food industry : Using three ethical principles of the Global Business Standards Codex (GBSC), evaluate the Fairtrade practices of the fresh food industry.
How much total combined income tax : George Judson is the sole shareholder and employee of Black Corporation, a C corporation that is engaged exclusively in engineering services. During the year.
How much is sparrows tax liability for 2011 : During 2011, Sparrow Corporation, a calendar year C corporation, had operating income of $510,000, operating expenses of $370,000, a short-term capital loss of $25,000, and a long-term capital gain of $80,000. How much is Sparrow's tax liability f..
Explain double displacement reactions and predict : Complete each of the following double displacement reactions and predict if the products will exist as (aq) or (s). A) Hg2(NO3)2+LiI B) NH4NO3+Li2CO3 C) NaCl+Li3PO4 D) AgC2H3O2+Cu(NO3)2
What is the maximum kinetic energy this mass obtains : What is the frequency of a spring with spring constant 420 N/m that has attached a mass of 3.5 kg and initially displaced 0.25 meters. what is the maximum kinetic energy this mass obtains


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