Reference no: EM131088511
Analysis and Synthesis of Prior Research
Respond to your Group Leader's posting with your own thoughts. At a minimum, be sure to include the following elements:
Assess the conceptualization, analysis, and synthesis of key research concepts presented by your Group Leader.
Evaluate the extent to which your Group Leader has addressed the elements from the Learning Outcomes from this pair of weeks.
Does the paper provide a cohesive summary of the assigned concepts with an effective evaluation of their implications for organizational leadership?
Did the Group Leader provide a meaningful academic argument or interpretation that demonstrated fluency with the material?
Incorporate at least 5 additional scholarly sources from the Walden Library in your posting.
Continue your group's discussion by addressing the following summative considerations that pertain specifically to this pair of weeks' topic:
In what ways do the readings in this pair of weeks answer important "So what?" questions in the field of leadership and organizational change?
How are these readings potentially valuable for research in the field?
What concepts of leadership and power do you perceive to be the weakest in the model(s) or paradigm(s) presented? Why? How could they be strengthened?
Are the model(s) or paradigm(s) primarily theoretical or applied? What are the implications of this for future research?
To what extent do the model(s) or paradigm(s) present a clear set of measures for assessing leadership and determining group or organizational outcomes? What suggestions do you have for enhancing assessment metrics?
Are there any important contradictions, arguments, disagreements, or divergences within this set of readings that point to potential areas for future research? How would you follow up to extend or explore these gaps?