Evaluate the evolution of language within online environment

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Reference no: EM132744186


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to create a presentation for colleagues that will highlight the benefits of technological growth and how such growth impacts society's structure, organizational structure, individual identity, and language.


You have recently started working for a local department store in the Operations Department. Upon settling into your new position, you come to realize that they have outdated business practices. In your past work experience, you have utilized various forms of technology to complete daily job functions and have been part of updating technology to meet the demands of your organization. Technological advances can address all areas of the business including, but not limited to, how applicants apply for positions, the type of phone and computer systems operated, cash register functions, marketing methods, etc.

You have shared your thoughts with your supervisor, and he has tasked you with putting together a narrated presentation, with visuals for your peers, to share the overall benefits of utilizing modern technology to help improve overall efficiency for the business and help to expand the consumer base for the store.

For this narrated visual presentation, you are to reflect upon and include discussion of the following topics or categories:

Question 1: Demonstrate the ability to evaluate the evolution of language within online environments and with the use of enhanced technology

Question 2: Examine some of the changes to technology that have impact language and communication.

Question 3: Discuss differences in access to and familiarity with technology such as generational differences, socioeconomic differences, etc. How might this impact your store?

Reference no: EM132744186

Questions Cloud

Security typologies : Compare and contrast the various types of security typologies. Suggest a type of organization that would fit into each typology.
How communication could change within store for employees : How communication could change within store for employees and consumers with various types of technology. how deviance in the physical and virtual world
Relationship between security and risk management : Explain the relationship between security and risk management. Take a position on which is more important to a small organization, large organization
What the marketing campaign for a malaysian clothes : 1) What the marketing campaign for a Malaysian clothes (baju kurung) product for a new target market in China?
Evaluate the evolution of language within online environment : Demonstrate the ability to evaluate the evolution of language within online environments and with the use of enhanced technology
Efficacy of monsanto''s ethical culture : Efficacy of Monsanto's Ethical Culture. How did the corporate culture of Enron contribute to its bankruptcy?
How is defined and how would a symbolic interactionist : Symbolic Interaction Theory - How is it defined and how would a Symbolic Interactionist justify or explain the need for upgrades to technology?
What is the digital divide : Identify some key examples of societal change due to technology. What does this imply for your store? What is the digital divide
Prepare plan for corporate audit : Prepare plan for Corporate Audit/Strategic Plan for SKYLINER SERVICES CORPORATION


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