Evaluate the efficacy of strategies

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13744537

You will apply important microeconomics concepts toward the competitive strategies of an organization that operates in an industry of your choice. You will evaluate the differences between market structures and identify a group of competitive strategies consistent with the market structure that best aligns with the market in which the organization competes. You will assess how the market structure positively and negatively affects the firm and evaluate the efficacy of the structure's competitive strategies.

Select an industry. Identify an organization in that industry. You may use the company you used for the Week 3 Learning Team assignment or you may select a new organization. Your selected organization must be submitted for instructor approval.

Identify the market structure in which this organization competes. Clearly indicate why the market structure was decided upon, and how this market structure differentiates from the other alternatives.

How might the company you selected find itself working with organizations in the same industry that are an oligopoly, perfect competition, monopoly, or monopolistic market structure. Examine the different sectors with an industry and how market structure may vary within those sectors.

Identify three or more competitive strategies of your choice that may be used by the organization to maximize its profits over the long run. Evaluate the efficacy of these strategies in the market structure you identified.

Reference no: EM13744537

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