Evaluate the effectiveness of the large sites policy

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM131128851

The Application of Inclusionary Zoning to Deliver More Affordable Housing in Toronto

The Aim of the study

The aim of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Large Sites Policy in the city of Toronto and conclude whether the current policy could be improved using inclusionary housing policies for the construction of more affordable housing, enhance Inclusive and heterogeneous communities.

Research questions

A- Can inclusionary zoning be an effective policy tool to construct more affordable housing in Toronto? Why there is a need for them? Is the private markets are able to accept them?

B- Why Policies used in The City of Toronto has not been fruitful at the provision of affordable homes? What are the major areas of weaknesses, how can it be improved under city's current issues?

C- What are possible obstacles that can prevent the application of proposed revisions and inclusionary housing policies, what are the tools to address these obstacles?

D- Can various successful inclusive housing programs in Canada and USA help in strengthening and revising the approach of Toronto to create mixed income communities?

E- What are the main aspects and qualities of inclusionary zoning policies in other Canadian and American cities, can it be transferable to Toronto's policy? What are the best examples of policies that meet Toronto's needs and be the new standards?

F- What are the aspects and restrictions of the large sites policy that greatly limit its use and what are the areas in need of improvements?

G- What are the problems of social exclusion? What are the benefits of having mixed income neighbourhoods and a diversity of incomes within a development? What are the barriers stopping this kind of development to become more common?

I attached the proposal for the dissertation, I also attached the data I have collected on literature review, and also the needed information on the methods and what is the plan for the method and also the questions for the interview. Please let me know if you have any comments on them.

For now and as per my correspondences with you and the company, my request is

1- The method of interviews and the analysis of finding on them which will be around 3500 words.

2- Discussion and conclusion on the whole dissertation and all chapters which can be from 2000 words.

Remember we are looking for original work with original references and also consent form looking original is very important criteria. If we like the work done by the writer , he will get more dissertations in future. Please ask in case any queries.

If you look the proposal you can see there are three methodologies in research methodology so, you will have to explain the third one in 3500 words and then discussion and conclusion and recommendations in 2000 words as per comment.

The first two methods literature review and case study will be provided by the student. He has attached his literature review and provide case study later.

Please confirm for dissertation following Parts:-

Reserach methodology:-1750 words

Data Analysis & Interpretations:-1750 words

Conclusion & Recommendations:- 2000 words.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM131128851

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