Evaluate the different modes of entry to foreign markets

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Reference no: EM133215367


Evaluate the different modes of entry to foreign markets from the perspective of an information-technology focused SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) based in the Republic of Ireland that is considering international expansion. What entry mode is likely to be most appropriate for such an SME? (100%) 1%-39% Little to no attempt to address the question, or an attempt to address the question that lacks coherence or relevancy. 40%-49% An entry mode is identified.

- perhaps inappropriate for the scenario such as consortium, little or weak consideration of the context given. Little or weak discussion of advantages and disadvantages of various entry modes. Little or no attempt to discuss wider relevant issues. 50%-59% An entry mode is identified

- appropriate to the context even if little or weak consideration is given to the situation of an Irish SME. Some discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of various entry modes

- or good discussion of the advantages or disadvantages of a single entry mode Little or no attempt to discuss wider relevant issues. 60%-69% An entry mode is identified

- appropriate to the context and good consideration is given to the situation of an Irish SME. Good discussion on the advantages or disadvantages or various entry modes, multiple relevant points are made

- or an excellent and thorough discussion of a single entry mode. Some attempt to discuss wider relevant issues but limited in detail. 70%-100% An entry mode is identified

- appropriate to the context and good consideration is given to the situation of an Irish SME. An excellent and thorough discussion of various entry modes with multiple relevant points. A good attempt to discuss wider relevant issues such as economic trading blocs, tariffs and barriers, etc.

Reference no: EM133215367

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