Evaluate the demand curve for your product

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM133782356

Healthcare Economics

Course Objectives for Assignment:

Explain the basic terminologies of healthcare economics and analyze how healthcare supply and healthcare demand work to construct a model of the fundamental economic factors that impact the delivery of healthcare.

Assess the key economic drivers that impact the delivery of healthcare in order to inform effective future decision-making.

You just started working as a Health Service Manager within one of the following health care industries. First choose an industry below to discuss the questions that follow:


Your boss has asked you to write a report detailing how the demand for your product(s) is impacted by various economic factors. In writing your memo, be sure to include your name and in the subject line identify the health care entity you chose above. In order for your boss to easily review your memo, please include section headers to correspond to the questions below.

Answer the following questions relying primarily on the course readings and other resource material presented in this class (do not cite any other outside sources).

Describe a product or service your company provides to your patients

Evaluate the demand curve for your product and relationship between the price of your service/product and the quantity demanded.
In this evaluation, be sure to identify:

whether demand is sensitive (e.g. elastic) or less sensitive (e.g. inelastic) to changes in the price and
evaluate why this relationship might occur.
include a discussion of how the existence of health insurance would impact the elasticity of demand.

Define "substitute" goods and identify potential substitutes for your product/service. Evaluate how does the existence of a substitute impact the demand for your product/service.

Define "complement" goods and identify potential complements for your product/service. Evaluate how does the existence of complement goods impact the demand for your product/service.

Identify and discuss the economic factors that might lead to a shift in the demand curve for your product/service?

Reference no: EM133782356

Questions Cloud

Why do you think some people strongly react to clowns : Coulrophobia is the clinical term for an intense fear of clowns. Why do you think some people strongly react to clowns or other not-quite-human figures?
Community representatives : Your child care center currently has an advisory board that is composed of parents, teachers, and community representatives.
Develop an analysis of the rodrigo chronicles : Develop an analysis of Delgado's final chapter in The Rodrigo Chronicles. Specifically, Rodrigo and the professor discuss attacks on narrative jurisprudence.
Manage technology forecasting project : Discuss the various processes, and tools needed to manage a technology forecasting project.
Evaluate the demand curve for your product : Evaluate the demand curve for your product and relationship between the price of your service/product and the quantity demanded. In this evaluation
Organizational culture strategies work to prevent employee : How do organizational culture strategies work to prevent employee theft in the retail business?
Explain and apply appropriate options regarding acceptance : Explain and apply appropriate options regarding acceptance or rejection of assignments, including the use of Safe Harbor.
Supply office for government offices to obtain supplies : Fort Bragg maintains a centralized supply office for government offices to obtain their supplies.
Comparing the total profits across different regions : Recommended Chart Type: Column Chart Reason: A column chart is ideal for comparing the total profits across different regions.


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MGMT 3306: Solve the assignment problems, 1. Please answer the assignment questions in this docx file and save once you’re satisfied. Assignment 3covers the lectures slides for Week 6.

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