Evaluate the data warehouse and dbms solutions

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131581720

Task 1:

Evaluate the data warehouse and DBMS solutions available in the market.

Present your findings as a comparative analysis of 3-5 different solutions.

Provide a summary with your selection of the best solution.

I chose Teradata is high-quality fit for our retail store

Task 2:

Explain how the bookstore chain could use multi-dimensional cubes as a part of its data warehousing solution.

OLAP is an Multidimensional cubes and it's useful for any retail retailer and LIbrary for retaining motive.

Task 3:

Explain how the bookstore chain could use the star schema in its data warehousing solution. Describe the performance improvement techniques that should be used for the star schema

Justify your answers to convince the bookstore chain's management team to use the star schema as part of their data warehousing solution

Reference no: EM131581720

Questions Cloud

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Evaluate the data warehouse and dbms solutions : Explain how the bookstore chain could use multi-dimensional cubes as a part of its data warehousing solution - etail retailer and LIbrary for retaining motive
Specific and general experience with punishment : Specific and general experience with punishment, Direct experience with punishment
Identify the five goals of criminal sentencing : Analyze the importance of these goals to criminal sentencing. Criminal Sentencing: General Goals
The concepts of probable cause : Compare and contrast the concepts of probable cause and reasonable suspicion. In your own words, explain how they are similar or different.
Advantages of companies accumulating cash hoards : Suggest at least two (2) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of companies accumulating cash hoards. Provide a rationale for your suggestion


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