Reference no: EM132361796
Question 1
This part of the GBA requires each group member to administer a questionnaire and each group to construct a dataset from the responses collected by all its members. Subsequently, by compiling all the group datasets, the end result will be a common
combined dataset for the entire class to answer Question 2 of the GBA.
(a) For each group member: Administer the attached questionnaire to ten (10) persons (of at least 21 years of age). In your report, state the number of questionnaires successfully administered by each group member. Evaluate the data quality of the responses (e.g., missing values or “suspicious” responses) and include your findings in the report. Do not exceed 400 words.
(b) For the whole group: Compile the administered questionnaire and implement IBM-SPSS Statistics to construct a dataset using the following data template:
Variable Name
Questionnaire number
Every questionnaire should have a unique identifier (across the whole class)
Response to Section A Item I (first item)
A01 to A44 capture the first personality questionnaire
Response to Section A Item xic
... etc.
... etc.
Response to Section A Item 44 (last item)
Response to Section B Statement 1 (first item)
BOI to B36 capture the second personality questionnaire
Response to Section B Statement yy
... etc.
Response to Section B Item 36 (last item)
Remarks, if any
This column records additional information regarding the respondent or responses, if any
In constructing the dataset, analyse the questionnaire and data (a visual inspection will do without any statistical analysis) to appropriately specify the relevant parameters on the Variables tab. The group dataset should be submitted together with the GBA submission and will be graded.
(c) At the end of 1(b), your group will have a dataset that is ready for statistical analysis. Work with the other RSS503 GBA groups to append each group’s dataset to create a final dataset that comprises all the responses for the whole class. Evaluate the contribution of your group towards this task and any problems encountered in administering the questionnaire and constructing the dataset. Do not exceed 400 words.
Question 2
(a) Personality Questionnaire 1 (i.e., Section A of the questionnaire) is known as the Big Five Inventory (BFI). Search the literature for an article in an academic journal (that comprises at least 8 pages) that has used BFI. Evaluate this article and write a summary on how BFI
is used in the research and the main research findings with respect to the constructs contained in BFI. Do not exceed 300 words.
(b) Based on the (class) dataset created in Question 1, use IBM-SPSS Statistics to implement factor analysis to assess the personality constructs and their validity for Personality Questionnaire 1 (i.e., BFI). You can assume that the responses are measured on an interval
scale. Include all the relevant IBM-SPSS Statistics outputs.
(c) As in the case of (b) above, use IBM-SPSS Statistics and apply factor analysis to assess the personality constructs and their validity for Personality Questionnaire 2. You should review the entrepreneurial characteristics mentioned in the TMA to gain some background to
facilitate your analysis. You can assume that the responses are measured on an interval scale. Include all the relevant IBM-SPSS Statistics outputs.
(d) Appraise your findings in 2(b) and 2(c) and write a 600-word section as part of a research paper. Include any tables that can facilitate your discussion
Question 3
Read Koh, H C and M Y Koh, “Empirical Evaluation of Accounting Programs: A Proposed Factor-Analytic Approach”, Journal of Accounting Education (United States), Volume 16 Number 2, Spring 1998, pp. 295-314.
Analyse and evaluate how factor analysis is applied in the study and write a critique of not more than 800 words. Your critique should focus on the specific use of factor analysis in the study, and not the general limitations of the study (such as external validity).
Reading- Empirical Evaluation of Accounting Programs: A Proposed factor- analytic Approach By Hian Chye Koh and Moy Yin Koh
Attachment:- QUESTIONNAIRE.rar