Evaluate the current performance of the process

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM131452826 , Length: 1400 Words

Write a report which analyses a process and provides recommendations on how the process can be improved. The process you choose to write about can be a process in your own organisation or in any organisation that you are familiar with.

Once you have chosen the process, use some of the concepts and tools of Process Design and Analysis to examine it in detail and then provide recommendations on how the process can be improved in terms of one or more operations performance objectives (i.e. cost, quality, speed, dependability and flexibility). In the report, you are required to:

Describe the organisation and the process you have selected.

o Keep the organisation description brief but make sure that the reader can clearly understand what the organisation does and the organisational context.

o Keep the process description brief but ensure the reader understands what the process is, how it affects the organisation's overall performance, and how it is currently designed. You need to include a process map - which can be a high-level process map, particularly if the process is large.

Evaluate the current performance of the process in terms of all five performance objectives.

Given the organisation's strategy and needs, identify and briefly discuss the performance objective or objectives that need to be improved.

Subject Outline . Use some of the concepts and tools of Process Design and Analysis (i.e. Topic 3 in the Learning Materials) to analyse the process in detail and provide recommendations on how it can be improved in terms of the identified operations performance objective (or objectives).

If your recommendations include a reconfiguration of the process, make sure to include the new optimised process map. It is important to demonstrate your knowledge about the required Operations Management concepts and to clearly reference your sources. Read journal articles (using AIB Online Library), books (including the textbook), and business literature, etc. Note the sources and use them throughout your report.

In order to do well you need to structure your discussion appropriately, use good references, and clearly link recommendations to the description and analysis presented earlier in the report.

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Reference no: EM131452826

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It is important to demonstrate your knowledge about the required Operations Management concepts and to clearly reference your sources. Read journal articles (using AIB Online Library), books (including the textbook), and business literature, etc. Note the sources and use them throughout your report. In order to do well you need to structure your discussion appropriately, use good references, and clearly link recommendations to the description and analysis presented earlier in the report.

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