Evaluate the criteria or mechanisms used by the organisation

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM13216625

The purpose of the Final Project is to apply the concepts and techniques of the module to the analysis of real-world situations or problems. Students are expected to use diverse sources of information and to carry out an original analysis rather than summarise or rehash existing work. Students are encouraged to use situations and data from their own experience where possible.

For this module, you are required to complete a course project that reveals mastery in application of the management accounting and finance concepts emphasised in the course. This involves reporting on a specific organisation within an industry and the management accounting and finance practices that affect the value of the chosen firm or industry. This project should be a formal business report that provides both specific processes and strategies involving budgeting, costing, capital decision making, capital acquisition, and cost of capital structure of the chosen firm. These processes and strategies are to be supported with management accounting concepts.

For this project, you will have selected a company that you are familiar with or work for. If you have chosen a company to research for a previous module, you must have already informed the Instructor in Week 5 and have sent a copy of the previously submitted work. The Instructor should have already informed you whether or not you may reuse the same company.

Your tasks for the Final Project are to:

Assess the budgeting process and procedures for the organisation with regards to preparation techniques, uses for evaluation, differences between business units/divisions, etc.

Analyse how the organisation collects, stores, and prepares management accounting information, particularly the use of a management accounting system (MAS) and how information is disseminated throughout the organisation.

Evaluate the costing process and procedures of the organisation with respect to method or approach utilised.

Assess the capital decision making process within the organisation with regards to what methods are utilised, how such methods are chosen, how projects are selected and managed, and what measures are employed to evaluate performance.

Evaluate the criteria or mechanisms used by the organisation for deciding how best to acquire capital and analyse the capital structure of the company.

Your Final Project should follow the given outline:
Brief description of company
Description of firm's budgeting process
Management accounting information system
Costing process
Capital decisions
Capital acquisition and structure

Your Final Project should also include a section on how and where you obtained the information sources as well as the methodology used to perform any analysis. This project should follow a structured approach and should be prepared and presented as a professional business report.

Reference no: EM13216625

Questions Cloud

What is the compressor steady state response : What is the compressor's steady state response when a 30kg absorber with a stiffness of 1.3*10^5 N/m is added to the end of the beam? Please determine how to change the absorber to minimize the response of the beam.
Determine the value of h for which the ball rolls : The force exerted on the cue ball by the cue is horizontal. Determine the value of h for which the ball rolls without slipping. (Assume that the frictional force exerted on the ball by the table is negligible.)
Information systems and software applications : Research software applications and information systems available for the various organizational departments within a company, such as accounting, finance, HR, marketing, and management.
What is the flow rate required to cool and maintain : what is the flow rate required to cool and maintain 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 m3 volume of air at 297 K to 199 K, using nitrogen at 199 K
Evaluate the criteria or mechanisms used by the organisation : Evaluate the criteria or mechanisms used by the organisation for deciding how best to acquire capital and analyse the capital structure of the company.
What is the speed of each star at the moment of impact : Gravitational forces pull the two stars together. What is the speed of each star at the moment of impact?
Federal law that governs protected health information : Identify the federal law that governs Protected Health Information (PHI) and briefly discuss the elements of compliance. Describe two specific examples of improper privacy disclosure and discuss the challenges of maintaining strict confidentiality in..
Determine the normal and shearing stresses : Two forces are applied to the pipe AB as shown. Knowing that the pipe has inner and outer diameters equal to 35 mm and 42 mm, respectively, determine the normal and shearing stresses at (a) point a, and (b) point b
Which one has the bigger moment of inertia : two spinning discs have the same angular momentum, but disk 1 has more kinetic energy than disk 2. Which one has the bigger moment of inertia - explain your reasoning?


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