Evaluate the cost of attending the baseball game

Assignment Help Financial Accounting
Reference no: EM133536

Question :

Paula and Paul Petroceli were trying to choose whether to go to the symphony or to the baseball game. They already have two nonrefundable tickets to "Pops Night at the symphony" that cost $40 each. This is the only performance of the season they considered attending because it is the only one with the kind of music they enjoy. The baseball game is the last of the season, and it can decide the league championship. They may purchase ticket to the game for $20 each.

The Petrocelis can drive 50 mile round-trip to either event. Variable costs for working their automobile are $18 per mile, and fixed costs average $13 per mile for the 15,000 mile they drive yearly. Parking at the symphony is free, but it costs $6 at the baseball game.

To attend either event, Paula and Paul will hire a babysistter at $7 per hour. They expect to be gone 5 hour to attend baseball sport but only 4 hour to attend the symphony.

Evaluate the cost of attending the baseball game with the cost of attending the symphony. Focus on relevant costs. Calculate the difference in cost, and show which alternative is more costly to the Petrocelis.

Reference no: EM133536

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