Evaluate the contribution of strategic frameworks

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Reference no: EM132497515 , Length: word count:3000

MBA717 - Strategic Development Essay

Learning Objective: Be able to evaluate the contribution of strategic frameworks in contemporary strategic management.


‘inventing new knowledge is not a specialized activity...it is a way of behaving, indeed a way of being, in which everyone is a knowledge worker' (Nonaka, 1991).

Following this line of thought, and with reference to relevant literature and theory, discuss your company's approach to strategic management of knowledge and organisational learning.

Evaluate its use of strategic frameworks and tools, including the importance of knowledge in strategic development; strategic marketing; sustainability, competitive advantage; and managing strategic corporate change.

Assignment Specifics:

Your essay should be grounded in relevant module theory.
Reference all sources appropriately, using the APA Referencing System. The word count of your report is 3000 words (-/+10%).

Reference no: EM132497515

Questions Cloud

Analyze disadvantages of implementing a traditional abc : Provide a rationale for your response, including a discussion of how a company would benefit from analyzing costs using an ABC system.
Why is salvage value of capital asset important to decision : The methods that we use incorporate the use of future cash flows for a project. How do cash flows differ from the profits that an organization generates?
Calculated profit and calculated profit margin : The rows should include revenue, expenses, calculated profit, and calculated profit margin. The columns should represent years: two years of history
Describe the misconception you observed : In a multi-paragraph essay ( MLA Format ) of 400-500 words, describe the misconception you observed and discuss how information from research could be used to.
Evaluate the contribution of strategic frameworks : Evaluate the contribution of strategic frameworks in contemporary strategic management and inventing new knowledge is not a specialized activity
Discuss and determine the key account balance assertions : Discuss and determine whether the sample of individually wrapped certified diamonds and the sample inventory parcel, including the inventory record
Would be better off to use the standard deduction or itemize : Would be better off to use the standard deduction or itemize. Assume someone (age 35) is married. Combined, they make $100,000
Analyze the company performance and performance trends : Analyze the company's performance and performance trends. Determine if the trend is improving or getting worse. Explain the relevance of the trend.
Describe the data contained in the article : Locate a recent research article (published in the last five years) that examines at least one of these factors, and describe the data contained in the article.


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