Evaluate the companys product development strategies

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131355100

Strategic Management Assignment

Starbucks Group case ( case will be provided)

Required: answer one of these questions. lenth maximum 2 pages

1. Define and discuss the company's corporate-level strategy. What are the benefits and/or shortcomings of Starbucks' diversified portfolio? What type of competitive strategy [ies] is it pursuing in the different divisions?

2. Compare and evaluate the company's product development strategies. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Review the scope and performance of Starbucks' international businesses. What type of international strategy do you recommend for the company?

3. Discuss Starbucks' need for a new strategy in the late 2000s. Based on the analysis, what are the strengths and weaknesses of Starbuck's current strategy? What are your recommendations for future strategy of this company?

4. Update about what Starbucks is doing since case time. Schulze seems to be retiring from the CEO position, why is he retiring? What are his plans for the company's strategies in future? What are the pros and cons of his plans?

Good data bases for update information are LexisNexis, ABI Inform, Yahoo Finance, Business Source Premier as well as websites of the companies. These sources cover articles from Wall Street Journal, BloombergBusinessweek, Fortune, and other business magazines.

Reference no: EM131355100

Questions Cloud

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