Evaluate the change management strategy

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Reference no: EM133127893

BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organisational change

Task - Develop a change management strategy

You are a change management practitioner contracted by MMI Professional Education as Program Manager to:

a) Identify change requirements and opportunities to take MMI from the current business state to a desired future state
b) Develop a change management strategy and plan for two change initiatives (projects). The two change initiatives (projects) will form the program (change plan) that will deliver the identified change needs to achieve the desired future state
c) Implement the change management strategy (program)
d) Evaluate the change management strategy

It has been designed to evaluate your ability to/competency in:

• Identify major operational change requirements according to organisational objectives, performance gaps, business opportunities or threats, and management decisions
• Assess risks and opportunities presented by operational change requirements
• Consult stakeholders, specialists and experts to confirm the change management opportunities and process
• Assign resources to the project and confirm reporting protocols with relevant stakeholders
• Develop communication or education plan, in consultation with relevant personnel
• Arrange activities for delivery of communication or education plans

Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your competency in the above.

You are required to address the following:
• Task 2.1 Identify change requirements and opportunities
o Develop a Change Initiative Opportunity Report
o Consult with stakeholders
• Task 2.2 Develop a change management strategy
o Develop a Change Management Plan
o Obtain approval for the Change Management Plan

Summary of changes to the Change Management Plan

Complete the following activities:

Task 2.1 Identify change requirements and opportunities

This task requires you to:
1. Assess the company's strategic and operational needs to identify change requirements.
2. Develop a draft report to summarise your analysis concerning change requirements and opportunities for the company.
3. Consult with pertinent stakeholders to gather critical inputs into the finalisation of the report and prioritise change requirements in collaboration with relevant managers.

4. Finalise the report.

A) Change Initiative Opportunity Report

Read the Assessment Scenario (Appendix 1) to understand company's market and operational position and strategies, review the company's policy and procedures provided in a separate folder and conduct independent research about the external business environment.

Draft a change initiative opportunity report (Template 1).

You will finalise the report after consulting with relevant stakeholders (see Task 2.1B).

Executive Summary
Write this section last. This is a summary of what the report addresses. (80-120 words)

Purpose of the Report and Background
• Write a brief statement on the purpose of the report.
• Write a brief paragraph to outline how the report was developed. For example, what type of analysis has been used, what documents have been consulted, and what stakeholders were consulted (including specialists and experts)

Business Situation Analysis
Investigate the company and provide information about the business environment:
• Internal business environment (organisational structure, leadership, the status of operations, known issues and opportunities)
• External business environment (for example industry status, review of current client base, suppliers, any relevant change and trend in technology, legislation and society)

Collect the data and information about your investigation to:
1. Analyse the external business environment through a PESTLE analysis
2. Perform a SWOT analysis
3. Conduct a review of the current policies and practices in the organisation. (Are the policies and practices relevant and current? Would you change any work practice? Would you add or improve any existing policy?)
Complete the sections below.

PESTLE Analysis - Overview
Summarise the PESTLE analysis with a focus on trends, innovation, constraints, and competitive landscape. Include two (2) points of analysis for each PESTLE category. Be specific (for example, do not just mention tax policy under economic, specify what tax policy you refer to)

SWOT Analysis - Overview
Summarise the SWOT analysis with a focus on factors and issues related to opportunities for change to improve/solve problems/ exploit organisational strengths. The SWOT builds on the analysis undertaken for the internal and external business environment in this document. Identify four (4) factors/section.

Policies and Practices
Perform a review of the current policies and practices in the organisation. (Are the policies and practices relevant and current? Would you change any work practice? Would you add or improve any existing policy?).
Summarise the outcome of the review and evaluate existing policies and practices.
(80-120 words)

Change Initiative Analysis
Once you have a clear understanding of the business and its environment, you can identify opportunities for the change initiatives.
• The PESTLE and SWOT analysis
• The company's policies and practices
• The company's strategic objectives (is there any change needed in the strategic direction of the company? Can the company achieve the strategic objectives in the current situation? Is any change required?)
Perform a GAP analysis.

Gap Analysis
Once you have completed your business situation analysis, you can identify:
• What opportunities the business could harvest
• What problems the business should resolve
and you can define:
• The desired future state of the company in clear business outcomes
Complete the following gap analysis:
• Identify the company's desired future state (for example, strategic direction/goals, opportunities that should be considered for business growth). - Four (4) items.
• Summarise the current state of the company based on your business situation analysis. - Four (4) items.
• Identify what gaps are there between the desired future state and the company's current state (for example, current inadequate/insufficient capabilities and resources, obsolete technology, operational issues, lack of organisational leadership, ineffective organisational culture etc.).
Four (4) gaps to be identified- all described in enough details (example: just saying that the existing technology is inadequate is not enough. You should be more specific: what technology? Why is the technology inadequate?)

Based on the gap analysis, address the following:
• Provide a detailed list and description, including the rationale for change, of the changes needed due to performance gaps, business opportunities, threats, or management decisions.
Five (5) changes.

• Based on your evaluation, provide recommendations on the top 3 change opportunity initiatives, ranked in order of urgency/importance. It is recommended that you consider cost Vs benefits for each recommended change initiative to inform decision-making when prioritising the change initiatives. Explain the reasons for prioritisation.

B) Consultation
Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 3 of class and consult with:
• The CEO of the company (played by the trainer and assessor)
• A group of pertinent stakeholders: subject matter experts and operational managers in the organisation (played by a group of classmates)
in simulated work conditions.
This is a Role-Play.
Duration: 15-20 minutes.
The trainer and assessor will evaluate your performance during the consultation and provide feedback on the marking sheet.
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to perform the Role-Play.
Before the consultation
• Prepare the draft Change Initiative Opportunity Report
• Prepare a list of questions to ask the stakeholders to gather inputs and feedback
During the consultation
• Present the report and explain each part, focusing on the outcome of your internal and external business environment analysis to justify your recommendations
• Seek feedback and inputs from stakeholders
• Determine if there are additional change requirements that you did not identify in your report
• Review and prioritise the change requirements in collaboration with the group of stakeholders
• Communicate effectively using techniques such as summarising, rephrasing, questioning and active listening
• Clarify and confirm understanding
• Facilitate the consultation meeting and engage with the group
• Use this opportunity to build and maintain effective working relationships
• Use negotiation techniques if needed:
o Compromise, collaborate, compete or accept
o Be prepared to negotiate and identify the non-negotiable

o Be soft on the person and hard on the problem
o Leave behind your ego
o Listen actively
o Offer and expect commitment
After the consultation
1. Complete the meeting minutes (Template 2) according to instructions.

2. Summarise the changes to the Change Initiative Opportunity Report agreed on during the consultation.Record the changes in the space provided below.

Finalise the Change Initiative Opportunity Report (Template 1) based on the agreed on changes before submitting your assessment.

Task 2.2 Develop a change management strategy

This task requires you to:
1. Develop a change management strategy
2. Obtain approval from relevant authorities to confirm the change management process

A. Change Management Plan
Draft a Change Management Plan (Template 3).
You will finalise the plan after meeting with relevant stakeholders (see Task 2.2B).
Develop a change management plan to implement two of the change initiatives identified in the report in Task 2.1A.
The change management plan must include the following:
• Purpose
• Key roles and responsibilities
• Scope
• Rationale for the change initiative
• Cost-benefit analysis
• Stakeholder analysis and engagement strategy
• Communication strategy to promote the benefits of the plan and to keep stakeholders informed on progress regarding the change initiative
• Organisational readiness for change analysis
• Schedule
• Risk analysis
• Monitoring and control
• Human Resources
• Reporting Protocol
• Costs
• Training strategy
• Evaluation
A template for the change management plan is provided below (Template 3). Use the template and follow the instructions.

Template 3 -Change Management Plan
Write a brief statement on the purpose of the change management plan (20-30 words).

Organisational background and rationale for change
Address the following:
• Summarise the findings/outcome of the change initiative opportunity report. In your summary, include the rationale for change (reasons for change) as identified in the report.
• Develop a clear statement that explains how the two change initiatives link to the organisational objectives.
(50-100 words)

Scope and objectives of the change initiative
Address the following:
• Develop a scope statement that identifies the changes that will be addressed by the plan (what is included and what is not included in the change initiatives).
• Identify key objectives of the change management plan (Three (3) SMART objectives).
• Include a statement of work about the key tasks that need to be performed to execute the plan successfully (what needs to be done to initiate and complete the plan - five key (5) tasks).

Address the following:
• Identify critical resources needed to implement the change management plan (human, physical, services, technological). Specify if the resource will be sourced internally (I) or externally (E).
• Estimate the cost of each resource item that you have identified.

Budget and cost-benefit analysis
Address the following:
• Estimate the overall budget for the change management initiatives. Consider any contingency budget that has been planned to manage unforeseen circumstances.
• Conduct and summarise a cost-benefit analysis for the change initiatives. The summary should include:
o List of critical costs with a total $ estimate
o List of key benefits with a total $ benefits
o Formula: Total $ Benefits- Total $ Costs

Stakeholders and communication strategy
Develop a register of the stakeholders that will be involved in the planning and implementation of the change initiative. Five (5) stakeholders must be identified.
• For each stakeholder, perform an analysis of their interest and power in the change project and summarise the outcome of your analysis in the table provided.
• For each stakeholder, provide a brief summary of your strategy to engage them in the change initiative.

Develop a strategy to communicate the benefits of the change initiative and the progress towards implementing the plan. The strategy will contribute to promote the benefits of the change to the organisation and to minimise loss.

Reporting protocols and decision-making
Identify reporting protocols and decision-making lines for the change initiative
Produce a RACI chart to identify reporting and decision-making lines to be agreed upon clearly. A RACI chart template is provided below.
o Responsible R: a person who performs an activity or does the work.
o Accountable - A: person who is ultimately accountable and has Yes/No/Veto.
o Consulted - C: a person that needs feedback and contribute to the activity.
o Informed - I: a person that needs to know of the decision or action.

Schedule and Operational Activities
Develop a schedule for the implementation of the change plan that includes:
• Major deliverables (outputs) against each identified change
• Major actions associated with each deliverable
• Responsibility for each action or deliverable
• Timeline for completion (a completion date of a time range needed to complete the task -example 3 months).

Risk Management Strategy
Identify high and medium level risks of the change plan to plan for risk response. Please note that the risk response should be detailed (for example, just saying: mitigation of risk, is not satisfactory). Include risk/s relevant to barriers to change.
Identify seven (7) risks. Use the table below to document your analysis.

Identify and describe what support and training activities will be provided to staff to:
• Support them through the change process (think about fatigues, stress, keep them motivated and involved)
• Provide them with the necessary competency, knowledge and skill to implement and carry on the change initiative (consider what is needed to implement the change and what is needed after the change is implemented)
• Identify and outline key educational activities to promote the benefits of the change effort to groups and individuals
• Develop a training plan (four (4) training initiatives ), using a template like the table below:

Monitoring and control - Evaluation
1. Identify ad describe the key monitoring and control activities for the implementation of the change plan.
• What needs monitoring

• How to monitor
• Who will monitor
• How the monitoring activities will be reported to the project (change) manager.
2. Identify how the implemented changes will be evaluated concerning the planned objectives, when the evaluation will occur, and how evaluation outcomes will be circulated and promoted to stakeholders.
(80-120 words)

B. Consultation and approval
Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 4 of class and :
• Present the Change Management Plan for the two chosen change initiatives.
• Discuss the plan gathering feedback and inputs into the plan
• Agree on changes/refinements/adjustments to the plan
• Obtain approval for the plan confirming the change management process
Present the plan to a group of classmates who will play the executive and operational managers' role in simulated work conditions.
Duration: 20-30 minutes.
The trainer and assessor will evaluate your performance during the meeting (Role-Play).
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to perform the Role-Play.
Before the meeting
• Prepare the draft Change Management Plan
• Prepare a list of questions to ask the stakeholders to gather inputs and feedback
During the meeting
• Present the plan and explain each part
• Seek feedback and inputs from stakeholders
• Determine and agree on any change/refinements/adjustments to the plan
• Communicate effectively using techniques such as summarising, rephrasing, questioning and active listening
• Clarify and confirm understanding
• Facilitate the meeting and engage the group of stakeholders
• Use this opportunity to build and maintain effective working relationships

• Use negotiation techniques:
o Compromise, collaborate, compete or accept
o Be prepared to negotiate and identify the non-negotiable
o Be soft on the person and hard on the problem
o Leave behind your ego
o Listen actively
o Offer and expect commitment
After the meeting
• Summarise the changes to the Change Management Plan agreed on during the meeting. Record the changes in the space provided below.

• Finalise the Change Management Plan (Template 3) based on the agreed on changes before submitting your assessment.
Please be advised that the trainer and assessor will check that the changes have been applied to and included in the Change Management Plan when marking your submission.

Attachment:- Develop a change management strategy.rar

Reference no: EM133127893

Questions Cloud

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