Evaluate the broad concepts of data management

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Reference no: EM133689607

Data Management and Analytics

Assessment - Case Study Report: Data Management solution

Learning Outcome 1: Evaluate the broad concepts of data management.

Learning Outcome 2: Elaborate how to manage data within organisations, teams, and projects. Investigate techniques on how to collect, store, clean and manipulate data.

Learning Outcome 3: Critically analyse and apply data issues in an organisational context.

Learning Outcome 4: Effectively report and communicate findings to a business audience who are not necessarily IT professionals.

Assessment Task

For this assignment, you are required to write a 2000-word case study report proposing data management solutions for the organisation presented in the case scenario.

Module 5 and 6 explored the fundamentals of data management. This assignment gives you the opportunity to make use of these concepts and propose a data management solution for the organisation presented in the case scenario.

Assessment Instructions

Read the case scenario provided in the assessment area.
Write a 2000-word enterprise data management (DM) solution for the organisation.
The solution should discuss how it helps the organisation to solve the technical or operational complexity of handling their data. Do not deep dive into any topic. Rather provide the data management solution more at a conceptual level.

Identifying the business requirements, data requirements and the existing issues in data handling.
Identify data management operations needed to tackle the issues, meet their data-based requirements and steps to be taken to improve their overall workflow and operational efficiency.
For example, issues may include but not limited to:
Data integrity
Data Storage
Metadata management
Handling legacy data
Data migration
Data archival
Data governance
Data privacy
Handling documents
Data integration

Propose a DM strategy that addresses what needs to be done, how new approaches can be implemented or how existing methods and workflow can be improved etc. Your DM strategy should be relevant to each of the issues that you identify from the case scenario.
Eg.1: Problem of securely maintaining data can be solved by implementing data security practices, setting up a security framework that establishes access rights to data, continuous auditing to monitor malpractices etc.
Eg.2: Data quality issues can be solved by data profiling, staff training, using a data quality management tool etc.

Also provide a schematic of a suitable data architecture (at aconceptual level) that describeshowdata is proposed to be managed in this scenario - from storage and collection through to integration, transformation, distribution, and consumption.

The areas / DM operations listed above are indicative and are in no particular sequence. When addressing each DM area in the proposed solution, ensure that there is relevance to the case scenario provided and write in an orderly fashion.

It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research.

Case Scenario:
You're a Data Analyst / Business Analyst working for Data Analytics company that provides data management solutions to its customers. Your company receives a project from the CEO of a multi- speciality hospital where you have been asked to understand the current state of their operations, elicit the data needs, and prepare a suitable data management solution.

The documentation should include a summary of current state of the scenario, current data and infrastructure related problems, and a holistic approach to handle problems and improve their workflow by improving their data management approaches.

Current state of business and data related problems:
The hospital's existing database system has their patient and staff's data fragmented i.e., divided across several applications and databases. The database system has been growing organically and now suffers from several shortcomings. Many different form of data storage systems and formats are used such as local disks, network access storage systems, spreadsheets, relational databases etc. Many different forms of data exist such as tabular data in excel sheets, images and videos, digital documents, scanned paper documents, specialised medical images in DICOM format, transcriptions, nurse, GP, specialist's and psychologist records and notes. The staff are currently spending lot of time to retrieve data from different databases and connect them to make the case history of a particular patient or staff. Moreover, there are constant changes regarding to the patient ‘s personal details, their locations, medical condition, physicians or psychologists that they get treated from. Staffs ‘records also need to be updated. For example, employment's details such as their expertise, work experience, new positions needed to be updated. Based on the hospital strict security policies, they want to keep record of all present and past staff. Although these data would not be used much, hospital would like to store and secure them.
With all these complexities, generating a patient's or staff's report is time consuming and suffers from several integrity issues. Multiple copies are created and stored which causes redundancy, affects quality, and increases risk of data loss and exposure. Thus, the hospital is looking for ways to manage their documents and contents efficiently. They aim to digitize and store all archived patient history, collect present data responsibly, so that healthcare providers can easily request, use, update, and delete it as necessary. Furthermore, by digitizing the staffs' record they will be able to keep track of staff and their responsibilities.
The data are currently stored in on-premises storage facilities such as network access storage and local disks with back-up servers all on a local network. The hospital considers this local storage of data as a secure option for storing personal health and other sensitive information, though it is affecting their data quality and impacts the outcomes during audits where they struggle to meet regulatory requirements. Hence, they are seeking advice on benefits and challenges of their current in-house storage approaches and potential alternatives to data management with increased security and data protection.
To keep up with their growing patient populations and accommodate their needs, the hospital recently opened an in-house imaging facility, and their database is expected to rapidly grow with high volume of digital unstructured data such as MRIs, CT scans, X-ray, and PET scans. Hence in addition to security, they are also aiming to achieve scalability, interoperability, and ease of integration without a huge impact on their funding. To improve patient support, they are introducing a new model of medical treatment using a telehealth platform and are accommodating new sources of data through IoT for remote monitoring. This again is creating new types of data with integrity and security issues.
Overall, the organization needs a highly scalable and reliable data management solution that identifies and address their existing issues and provide a futuristic solution to accommodate their digital transformations and growth.

Reference no: EM133689607

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