Evaluate the assigned case study for network

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Reference no: EM133587865 , Length: word count:3000

Assessment Task

Case Study Report and Presentation

For this group assessment, you are required to work in groups of 3 to 4. Your group will be assigned a case study in week 2. Each group will assess and evaluate the assigned case study for network functionality and security. You will need to critically analyse the application of different network components and techniques for managing and troubleshooting computer networks and propose solutions in ramification of the issues identified in the case provided. For this assessment, you may develop a network topology using simulation software.


In your written report of 3000 words, you are required to present your findings of case analysis and make recommendations for change. You are also to research, critically analyse, and make recommendations on ethical issues to be considered for the case.

Group marks may be adjusted into individual marks using peer assessment tool such as SPARK software.

Comply with the APA referencing style

Reference no: EM133587865

Questions Cloud

Discuss about the pernicious myth of the noble savage : Native American scholars talk about the pernicious myth of the "noble savage" - the idea that native peoples were "fading away,".
Charitably schematize the argument for Kirks position : Charitably schematize the argument for Kirk's position. Mark all trace data on your schematization (TD). Why are these trace data?
Suspected of ethnic cleansing or genocide : A country has been suspected of ethnic cleansing or genocide, and the United Nations is considering intervention.
Provide at least three goals of tourism development : Provide at least three goals of tourism development. Define and explain environmental quality and its importance in hospitality and tourism.
Evaluate the assigned case study for network : Present your findings of case analysis and make recommendations for change. You are also to research, critically analyse, and make recommendations on ethical
Will your reader be receptive to your argument : Consider the audience of your essay. Will your reader be receptive to your argument, or will they be strongly opposed to your claims?
What was the law that scotus overturned : What was the law that SCOTUS overturned and Why did the court overturn this law?
Describe and explain what practical intelligence is : describe and explain what "practical intelligence" is (Gladwell 101). Explain why practical intelligence is important and valuable (or not)
What extent do the women of troy accept their fate : To what extent do the Women of Troy accept their fate?


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