Evaluate the architectural challenges of blockchains

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Reference no: EM133653891

Blockchain Fundamentals

Industry for this project - Real Estate Industry

Assessment Essay:

This assessment task sheet provides you with information about the requirements for your assessment. Detailed instructions and resources are included for completing the task. The Criterion Reference Assessment (CRA) Rubric that markers use to grade the assessment task is included.

Learning outcome 1: Explain the technical and security underpinnings of blockchains.
Learning outcome 2: Evaluate the architectural challenges of blockchains.
Learning outcome 3: Explain the mechanisms of decentralized apps and smart contracts.

Task description: You are required to prepare a business-style essay as a consultant for an organisation aiming to implement a blockchain solution. The essay should comprehensively cover the technical and security underpinnings of blockchains (CLO1), evaluate the architectural challenges associated with blockchains (CLO2), and explain the mechanisms of decentralized apps and smart contracts (CLO4).
Select an industry type based on the first letter of your surname from the provided list below, and then choose a specific company within that industry.

A to G - Renewable Energy Industry
H to N - Supply Chain and Logistics Industry O to U - Real Estate Industry
V to Z - Aerospace and Defence Industry
The essay should include background information about both the industry and the selected organisation, with a focus on technological aspects. You are required to provide three detailed examples of blockchain applications within the chosen industry and conduct a thorough analysis of potential blockchain solutions for the selected organisation, considering architectural challenges, technical aspects, and security considerations. The essay should also include a discussion on Decentralized Application (DApp) and Smart Contract Integration for the selected organisation. The document should include a cover page, an executive summary, a table of contents, and should incorporate at least eight relevant references.

Task details:

Task 1 Blockchain Application in the Industry: (1) Provide a brief background about your assigned industry, focusing on the information technology and communications (ICT) used in general within this industry type, (2) Analyse the industry's problem or opportunity, explore how blockchain applications can address it, and discuss the technical and security foundations of blockchains in resolving the identified issue, and (3) Present three specific blockchain applications in this industry, assess their architectural challenges, including scalability, interoperability, and governance, while highlighting the technical and security aspects of the employed blockchain technology in each case.

Task 2 Blockchain Application in the Organisation: (1) Provide a comprehensive overview of the chosen organisation in your designated industry, encompassing information about its history, size, scope, and industry significance, Provide a comprehensive analysis by (2) identify one potential application of blockchain applications for the organisation exploring architectural challenges in integrating blockchain applications into the organisation, emphasizing compatibility, scalability, and infrastructure needs, (3) examining the technical aspects of three potential blockchain applications, including functionality, coding languages, database integration, platform compatibility, and specific technical requirements, and (4) addressing security concerns associated with the implementation of the identified blockchain applications. (840 words, 30 marks) (

Task 3
Decentralized Application (DApp) and Smart Contract Integration for the Organisation: (1) Select and analyse a relevant decentralized application (DApp) for the organisation, clarifying its functionalities, mechanisms, and impact on transparency, efficiency, or other relevant aspects, while discussing associated benefits and challenges; (2) Identify and detail a specific blockchain use case where a smart contract can streamline processes or enhance trust, explaining its underlying mechanisms, including code structure and logic, and discuss how the smart contract addresses the identified use case to contribute to organisational objectives, and (3) Identify and discuss potential challenges in integrating the selected DApp and implementing the smart contract, and propose solutions or strategies to ensure a seamless and effective integration process

Reference no: EM133653891

Questions Cloud

Elizabeth conducted study of gambling establishments : Elizabeth conducted a study of gambling establishments operated by American Indian groups.
What advantages voip provide company in maintaining security : Voice over IP (VoIP) is a central system that manages phones within an enterprise. What advantages does VoIP provide companies in maintaining security?
Conflicts that emerged from lack of communication : Think specifically about problems or conflicts that emerged from a lack of communication, or, alternatively, common issues that occur in every workplace
Major nation utilizing at-will employment system : The United States is the only major nation utilizing an at-will employment system. Only the state of Montana requires that cause be shown in a dismissal.
Evaluate the architectural challenges of blockchains : CIS6504 Blockchain Fundamentals, University of Southern Queensland - Explain the technical and security underpinnings of blockchains.
Perform vulnerability assessment of your place of employment : Perform a Vulnerability Assessment of your place of employment or living area. If you live in a gated community inform the security guard of your activities.
What can you infer from the distribution and summary measure : Provide an interpretation of your findings. What can you infer from the distribution and summary measures?
Social media presence to other websites : Dave Lamb Heating and Cooling has been around for decades. One suggestion would be to increase their social media presence to other websites.
Outline the steps that you would take to prepare for event : Outline the steps that you would take to prepare for this event (be sure and address the importance of equity, diversity, and inclusion).



3/4/2024 10:47:05 PM

My industry for this project is Real Estate Industry Min 8 reference required Can be a real world industry

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